dadamsda · @dadamsda
43 followers · 956 posts · Server

darf es in der EU nicht mehr geben, sie sind Ausdruck einer rückschrittlichen und extremen Politik

Der Schengen-Raum ist einer der Grundpfeiler des europäischen Projekts

Reaktionäre Politiker dürfen diese nicht in Frage stellen

#CDU #rechtspopulismus #UnitedStatesofEurope #grenzen #zusammenwachsen #Regionen #schengen #freiheit #Grenzkontrollen

Last updated 1 year ago

Zoidtes · @Zoidtes
167 followers · 4057 posts · Server

We can see that Europe has terrible or no social media representation and the stock media of the Meps is bone dry.

I mean look at today: does anything remind you on the streets, on the radio or anywhere that today is Europe day?
Me neither.

Europe made many beautiful things and literally got 0 credit. Most of them were forgotten and it feels that Europeans are very happy about this.
I want to change that

#europeday #UnitedStatesofEurope #EuropeanUnion #federalEurope #europe #eu

Last updated 2 years ago