#PhDposition in Creativity, Translation and Technology (3.0 FTE) (V23.0606) #AI #UniversityOfGroningen
- a Research Master’s or Master’s degree in any area related to the project (e.g. #TranslationStudies, #DigitalHumanities, #Linguistics, #LiteraryStudies, #InformationScience, #ComputerScience, #CognitiveScience #CognitivePsychology
- ...
You may apply for this position until 22nd October 11:59pm CET
For more info:
- https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S000ACQP&cat=wp
- https://www.rug.nl/staff/a.guerberof.arenas/
#phdposition #ai #UniversityOfGroningen #translationstudies #digitalhumanities #linguistics #literaryStudies #InformationScience #computerscience #cognitivescience #cognitivepsychology
#UniversityOfGroningen currently has a #PhDposition on #CinematicBeauty....
"But what exactly is cinematic beauty, and why is experiencing cinematic beauty valuable? Five questions about his #research."
See https://www.rug.nl/let/onze-faculteit/actueel/nieuwsberichten-2023/five-questions-about-cinematic-beauty #UGarts #barbie? #film #Polanski
#UniversityOfGroningen #phdposition #cinematicbeauty #research #ugarts #barbie #film #polanski
If Susanne Täuber, an Associate Professor at the #UniversityofGroningen is being fired for speaking up against intimidation, discrimination and harassment. Is important to ask #AmINext ? Read more about the case: https://ukrant.nl/protests-against-potential-firing-of-social-safety-expert-susanne-tauber/?lang=en
#UniversityOfGroningen #aminext
Susanne Täuber, an Associate Professor at the #UniversityofGroningen who won a national prize for her efforts to improve working conditions at university, is being fired for speaking up against intimidation, discrimination and harassment.
#AmINext? #academicfreedom #universityharassment #lifttherug
#UniversityOfGroningen #aminext #AcademicFreedom #universityharassment #lifttherug
Het verslag van het drukbezochte werkbezoek aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen over active learning classrooms is nu beschikbaar! Lezen? Ga naar https://edu.nl/ruejm #learning #activelearning #rug #universityofgroningen
#UniversityOfGroningen #rug #activelearning #learning
Prize AkedemiKus for RUG colleague Susanne Tauber https://ukrant.nl/prijs-voor-susanne-tauber-om-inzet-voor-academische-vrijheid/ #inclusiveuniversities #UniversityofGroningen
#inclusiveuniversities #UniversityOfGroningen
I presented the preliminary findings of my research today at the Winter School on the Limits of the Narrative. I talked about the experiences people with welfare benefits have with front-line officials and other organizations.
#winterschool #limitsofthenarrative #UniversityOfGroningen
#Groningen Some deadlines this week for #vacancies at the #UniversityOfGroningen
Check all open academic positions: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?cat=wp
#groningen #vacancies #UniversityOfGroningen
We're hiring! If you're an Educational Scientist interested in a UD position at the @rug_gion (aka the nicest dept of @rug_gmw / #UniversityOfGroningen), please take a look at these two vacancies: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009RUP
@UnivGroJobs retweet please 😊
Vacancy: #Education Developer on Digital Leadership & #Security (0.6 FTE) #UniversityOfGroningen - #Leeuwarden
"Do you want to contribute to a better digital world? We are developing new resources for training professionals and are looking for a new colleague #CampusFryslan" Oskar Gstrein https://www.rug.nl/staff/o.j.gstrein/ or @JAnneBeaulieu for more info
#cybersecurity #cybersecurityeducation #ransomeware
You may apply for this position until the 4th of December 23:59 (CET)
#education #security #UniversityOfGroningen #leeuwarden #campusfryslan #cybersecurity #cybersecurityeducation #ransomeware
De Faculteit der Letteren heeft een ambitieus Strategisch Plan. We willen met een gerichte communicatiestrategie medewerkers, (aanstaande) studenten en externe stakeholders goed betrekken bij deze uitvoering daarvan. We zoeken een enthousiaste en inspirerende collega die de interne en externe communicatiestrategie uitwerkt en uitvoert met het marketing-/communicatieteam (ongeveer 6 fte).
Rijksuniversiteit #Groningen - #UniversityOfGroningen #vacature #WerkenInGroningen
#groningen #UniversityOfGroningen #vacature #werkeningroningen
I'm an #astrophysicist at the #Kapteyn Astronomical Institute at the #UniversityOfGroningen in the Netherlands. I study the most massive #galaxies in the Universe and build #AstronomicalInstrumentation to observe them. I'm originally American but have lived in the #NL for more than 20 years now.
I love music, play guitar badly for nearly 40 years, and am an avid board and #TTRPG gamer. I have a deep fondness for comic books and strategy games. #astrodon #astronomy
#ttrpg #astronomy #Astrodon #nl #astronomicalinstrumentation #Galaxies #UniversityOfGroningen #kapteyn #Astrophysicist #introduction