We say: Palkokasvit ovat hyvä ja turvallinen proteiininlähde, myös luuston terveyden kannalta.
#leg4life #bone #health #terveys #UniversityofHelsinki #PlanetaarinenRuokavalio #planetarydiet #legumes #palkokasvit #proteiini
Minulla on ollut ja on ilo olla mukana näissä hankkeissa:
#thl #luke #unihelsinki #UniversityofHelsinki #Helsinginyliopisto
Loistava #LUOVA -tutkimusohjelman, LUOnnonVAraisten eliöiden tutkimuksen tohtoriohjelman #kevätsymposiumi #HelsinginYliopisto ssa ensi viikolla.
Aiheita piisaa eliön nopean värimuuntelun takana olevasta genetiikasta kysymyksiin kuten ”levittävätkö tuontihedelmiä syövät linnut vieraslajeja maastoomme” tai ”mitä tiedämme tiikerin, apinan ja vuohen tunteista”?
Suosittelen. Tiede tekee hyvää.
#UniversityofHelsinki #LUOVAspringsymposium
Koko ohjelma täällä: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/luovaspringsymp/programme/
#luovaspringsymposium #UniversityofHelsinki #Helsinginyliopisto #kevatsymposiumi #luova
Katri Eeva & Paula Silvén: Knowledge networks in European higher education policy-making. #CES #UniversityOfHelsinki #CentreForEuropeanStudies
#ces #UniversityofHelsinki #centreforeuropeanstudies
An example on how people navigate and communicate... in search for the lecture hall, like obviously many others #Porthania #UniversityOfHelsinki
#porthania #UniversityofHelsinki
CES 20 years seminar Keynote speech, Brigid Laffan: "EU Collective Power Tested by War in Europe". #CentreForEuropeanStudies #TwentyYearsSeminar #UniversityOfHelsinki
#centreforeuropeanstudies #twentyyearsseminar #UniversityofHelsinki
Jaan #HelsinginYliopisto #UniversityOfHelsinki #Siksitiede -kampanjan linkin tässä: https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/innovaatiot-ja-yhteistyo/vaikuttajille-ja-paattajille/siksi-tiede ja samalla esitän pyynnön/kysymyksen: olisiko yliopiston mahdollista ainakin avata uusia #some -tilejä sen rinnalle/sijaan että se jatkaa roikkumista varsin toksiseksi muuttuneessa tietoisesti ei pelkästään ei-moderoidussa vaan myös epätieteellisyyttä suosivassa Twitterissä.
#science #twexitnow #some #siksitiede #UniversityofHelsinki #Helsinginyliopisto
Super-size me: how do mammals scale up their teeth? 🦷
Alexa Sadier #UCLA covers a fascinating #preprint from Mona M. Christensen and team #JernvallLab #UniversityofHelsinki.
#ucla #preprint #jernvalllab #UniversityofHelsinki #prelight #evodevo #DevBio
The University of Helsinki organizes a summer school in Samoyedic languages from 29 May till 2 June. The programme includes lectures and tutorials on a variety of topics. Participation is free and several travel grants are available. Read more and apply: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/samoyedic-summer-school2023/ #linguistics #language #languages #samoyedic #uralic #finnougric #summerschool #universityofhelsinki #helsinginyliopisto #helsinki
#helsinki #helsinginyliopisto #UniversityofHelsinki #SummerSchool #finnougric #uralic #samoyedic #languages #language #linguistics
🎉Exciting news! I'm starting a new job as a postdoctoral researcher at the 🇫🇮 University of Helsinki. I'll be working with
Jaana Bãck and on the BioDT and
eLTER. #postdoc #universityofhelsinki #research #BioDT #eLTER 🤓
#postdoc #UniversityofHelsinki #research #biodt #elter
"Record number of applications to the international master’s programmes of the University of Helsinki"
This is great news from the institution's point of view, but I also feel for the applicants who have very slim chances to get in when the top programs like Data Science have less than 5% acceptance rates #Universities #UniversityofHelsinki #admissions
#universities #UniversityofHelsinki #admissions
RT @AllanTSouza1
🎉Exciting news! I'm starting a new job as a postdoctoral researcher at the 🇫🇮 University of Helsinki. I'll be working with @JaanaBack and on the @BiodiversityDT and @eLTER_Europe. #postdoc #universityofhelsinki #research #BioDT #eLTER 🤓
#postdoc #UniversityofHelsinki #research #biodt #elter
Honoured to be one of the new fellows of the Teachers Academy.
"Ten new fellows have been selected to the Teachers’ Academy. The selected fellows have shared their expertise widely within the university as well as in national and international forums." #UniversityOfHelsinki #TeachersAcademy
#UniversityofHelsinki #teachersacademy
🚨 🚨 Postdoc Job Alert 🚨 🚨
Position open in my lab at #UniversityOfHelsinki working on existing projects in eco-evolutionary modelling. Contact me for details. Starts early 2023. Apply by 15.01.2023 at:
#job #postdoc #EcoEvolutionaryModel #evolution #ecology #dynamics #modelling #modeling
#UniversityofHelsinki #job #postdoc #ecoevolutionarymodel #Evolution #ecology #dynamics #modelling #modeling
finally found my way :)
great to see the #evolution and #ecology community here!
hope to share some of our research taking place at the #UniversityOfHelsinki on #EcoEvolutionaryModelling, #ExperimentalEvolution, #genetics of #adaptation, and #ComputerModelling in #EvolutionaryBiology, with a focus on genetics of #ComplexTraits, #QuantitativeGenetics, and #PopulationGenetics, not forgetting #EcoEvolutionaryDynamics.
#introduction #Evolution #ecology #UniversityofHelsinki #ecoevolutionarymodelling #ExperimentalEvolution #genetics #adaptation #computermodelling #EvolutionaryBiology #complextraits #quantitativegenetics #populationgenetics #EcoEvolutionaryDynamics
Today I followed Kira Ryhti's defense of her thesis "Belowground carbon dynamics in Scots pine stands" at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station. Good insight into the complex carbon dynamics in forest soils and tree roots!
This knowledge is crucial for understanding the carbon sink mechanisms of boreal forests. In this thesis, carbon allocation to the soil system was a third of the annual photosynthesis.
#ClimateScience #ForestScience #CarbonCycle #UniversityOfHelsinki
#climatescience #forestscience #carboncycle #UniversityofHelsinki
The last lecture, from the absurd number of courses I've taught this term at the #universityofhelsinki, is this morning.
This image may or may not reflect my current mood.
Solidarity to all of my #instructor friends. We've got this.
#instructor #UniversityofHelsinki
The last lecture, from the absurd number of courses I've taught this term at the #universityofhelsinki, is this morning.
This image may or may not reflect my current mood.
Solidarity to all of my #instructor friends. We've got this.
#instructor #UniversityofHelsinki
@lauramkoenig How have I not come across this 😱 I have been teaching digital mobile tools in dietary assessment for nutrition MSc students in #UniversityofHelsinki for years. Thanks a lot for sharing this!
Ryhmämme #FINNMODY-osaston arvokas havainnon tyypin 1 eli nuoruusiän eli #insuliininpuutos’diabeteksesta: Jopa 10% #T1D -potilaista joilla ei ollut tyypillisiä vasta-aineita, löytyikin #MODY-diabeteksen mutaatio.
Havainnolla on merkitystä, sillä MODYn hoito saattaakin olla aivan muuta kuin insuliini. Joskus pärjätään ruokavaliollakin, toisinaan tablettihoidolla.
#UniversityofHelsinki #fimm #finnishpediatricdiabetesregister #mody #t1d #insuliininpuutos #finnmody