Dr. Sophia Bethena Jones, M.D. (1857 – 1932) was the first black woman to graduate from the #UniversityOfMichigan Medical School. She went on to found the nursing program at #Spelman College.
#HistoryOfMedicine #Histmed #BlackInMedicine #WomenInMedicine #BlackDoctors
#UniversityofMichigan #spelman #historyofmedicine #histmed #blackinmedicine #WomenInMedicine #blackdoctors
Intro post: I'm a physician-scientist in #Gastroenterology at #UniversityOfMichigan. My training is in #Epidemiology, #virology, and #InflammatoryBowelDisease. I study the gut #microbiome and host #immunity. As a #queer person in #medicine, I advocate for #LGBTQ health and #inclusive research.
For your trouble, here's a photo of some mucin.
#Gastroenterology #UniversityofMichigan #epidemiology #virology #inflammatoryboweldisease #microbiome #immunity #queer #medicine #lgbtq #inclusive