@erik_kwakkel Not satisfied with plagiarising, this academic doubled-down by using an invented staff member to field the complaint. Several people say they have made her university's Research Integrity office aware, so hopefully they'll investigate. #PublicationEthics #UniversityOfZurich #CarlaRossi #Plagiarism #AcademicPublishing #AcademicMisconduct #MedievalMastodon
#medievalmastodon #academicMisconduct #academicpublishing #plagiarism #carlarossi #UniversityofZurich #PublicationEthics
Many thanks to all the participants in our two-day, international workshop on «Liquid Democracy» for their contribution to a lively and insightful interdisciplinary exchange last week in Zurich!
(Pictures by Alois Paulin)
#UniversitätZürich #Zurich #UniversityOfZurich #Democracy #DemocracyStudies #LiquidDemocracy #InterdisciplinaryResearch @IPZ_ch @politicalscience @democraticinnovations
#interdisciplinaryresearch #liquiddemocracy #DemocracyStudies #democracy #UniversityofZurich #zurich #universitatzurich
Don't miss today the last lecture of the seminar series International lectures in Infection Biology in this year!
The seminar will be held by Prof. Michael Laessig from the Institute for Biological Physics of the University of Cologne.
#uzh #switzerland #parasitology #education #furthereducation #USZ #mastodon #UniversityofCologne #UniversityofZurich
#uzh #switzerland #parasitology #education #furthereducation #USZ #mastodon #universityofcologne #UniversityofZurich
Congratulations to Chiara Valsangiacomo, Vice President of @DemocracyNet, on her successful PhD defence and her 'groundbreaking’ dissertation on liquid democracy! 👏
#LiquidDemocracy #Democracy #DemocraticTheory #DemInno #DemocraticInnovations #summacumlaude #UZH #UniversityOfZurich @politicaltheory @democraticinnovations @IPZ_ch
#UniversityofZurich #uzh #summacumlaude #democraticinnovations #deminno #democratictheory #democracy #liquiddemocracy