@mckra1g I always like showing people the staircase from the #Untouchables baby carriage scene in #UnionStation (#Chicago).
#Untouchables #UnionStation #Chicago
RT @repubblikaMT: ⚫️🔴 Be there if you've had enough of the institutions that won't go after the #untouchables, the #corrupt who are still free to go about their #criminal business. This is our fight, together. Be part of the change you want to see for our children.
@occupyjusticema @Manwel_Delia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1566684762818990081
#Untouchables #corrupt #criminal
RT @repubblikaMT: #MALTA: Where people charged with upholding the rule of law, connive with criminals instead. Then they tell us that we're exaggerating when we call Malta a #MafiaState. We're gonna keep doing what we're doing.
#PilatusBank #Untouchables
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1551500711107641345
#Malta #MafiaState #PilatusBank #Untouchables
RT @repubblikaMT: 📌L-elezzjoni ma kinitx xi forma ta' assoluzzjoni ghall- #Untouchables @RobertAquilina3
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1517803559483551750
Many multinationals have benefited from the reticence of prosecutors & courts to confront The #Untouchables (whether in the #USA, #Switzerland, the #UK or elsewhere); other multinationals that have eluded every effort to investigate & prosecute them for possible collaboration in #crimes against #humanity include #Drummond, #Chiquita Brands & Occidental Petroleum (all of whom have their CORP HQ's in the US), #BP (… #exploitation of #petroleum in Casanare), #BHP #Billiton ~
#Untouchables #USA #Switzerland #UK #crimes #humanity #Drummond #Chiquita #BP #exploitation #petroleum #BHP #Billiton