16 followers · 535 posts · Server

More Voidwalker worldbuilding stuff and it's an idea I'm very excited about

I mentioned before that I thought of why I didn't make them more alien and decided that defeated the point of them essentially mimicking a human exterior to 1) be more acceptable, 2) because it lessened physical dysphoria between alien and human echoes, and 3) so they can better interact with a world/dimension they're not originally from

But what about...both

#worldbuilding #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 2 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Weird worldbuilding factoid of the day: Voidwalkers are completely immune to disease and can't act as carriers because their bodies/cells are totally sterile

Even their bodily fluids, like saliva, sweat, semen, are as sterile as saline. This barren bodily ecosystem means bacteria has nothing to feed on. A Voidwalker's body is essentially a walking clean room

#worldbuilding #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Been thinking about Jericho's history in relation to his "birth" and early development and the impact it and what he is have on his overall mental health

I think what's interesting is that he's definitely not the only Titan to come out the other end Not Exactly Well mentally/emotionally, and not just in the "scarred war veteran who's been through some shit" way

#worldbuilding #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Worldbuilding factoid of the day because I was thinking of it earlier: Voidwalkers can actually be permanently destroyed...but only by other Voidwalkers. Neither Humanity or the Exilioshi have managed to figure out what kind of weaponry could destroy a Voidwalker's core

Not that they're eager to do that, because the last time a Voidwalker's core was destroyed, it created a singularity with a gravitational collapse so destructive that it turned a moon to dust

#UnwantedTalks #worldbuilding

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Sometimes I think of what it'd be like if I went out of my way to make Voidwalkers look more weird/deliberately mutated by the void, because hey I like monsters, and then decide that defeats the purpose. Because they fact that they look humanlike but don't -feel- human is where their uncanny sensation comes from. That they're alien entities contained in a humanlike shell

#UnwantedTalks #worldbuilding

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Jericho hardly relies on the Desperado's own navigational system when they do jumps anymore because Nick's transdimensional prescience is always more accurate

Rundas finds this fascinating. Something that in his own species takes a supercomputer and multiple highly trained servitors to accomplish being handled by one person is...pretty impressive

#worldbuilding #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Got to thinking again about how bickering is one of Rundas and Jericho's love languages

#ocs #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 3 years ago

16 followers · 535 posts · Server

Lore dump time! Nick's origin has gotten a minor revamping recently (because this is a work in progress and I'm constantly trimming things as I go)

To understand what he is and why he' that, you have to go back to the beginning. Well after the Architects had already left the Frontier system under mysterious circumstances, but way back before the Exodan Fleet of humanity set foot on the terraformed planets left in their wake

#ocstuff #ocs #worldbuilding #UnwantedTalks

Last updated 3 years ago