UpNote handles offline editing so well too. That was one of my major issues. I'm often in planes or far from Internet access and most apps (including evernote now) melt down without chatting to the server first.
Can't believe that for the cost of one year on Evernote you can get a lifetime subscription to UpNote instead!
#Upnote #evernote #neveragainnote
Just amazes me how well UpNote works given how much of a balls-up Evernote made of their own product.
It's so fast. So effective. So nimble. So many features. It aint perfect, but it's pretty close!
#evernote #Upnote #wheresmystuff
#Upnote 高級版的訂閱月費是 $30TWD/$0.99USD ,買斷的話官網寫 $29.99 USD、iOS IAP 寫限量優惠 $690 TWD
We've been full-tilt for the last three months running UPNOTE in place of the ever enraging EVERNOTE.
Happy to report that it's been marvellous. Really marvellous. Stable, fast, effective, syncing with no drama, offline on my Android, yadda yadda yadda. Five stars, can recommend.
Finished bringing all my old Evernote archives across this week. I never go back to that app now.
#UpNote 看起來很棒,但對我來說光該怎麼用就煩惱太久,我覺得累:
1. 授權。查不到,我不確定付費買斷後能不能用來公事。
#UpNote 教學:輕快版 Evernote 雲端筆記,易上手的彈性整理邏輯
#UpNote sieht richtig toll aus, funktioniert wunderbar, hat viele nützliche Funktionen und bekommt regelmäßig und vor allem sinnvolle Updates. Leider kann man keine eigene Methode zur Synchronisation wählen und auch die Dateien werden nicht standardmäßig als #Markdown gespeichert. Schade :blobcatgooglycry:
@haensel @mawspitau @ralfa Tja, Evernote wurde ja von einem Unternehmen in Italien übernommen - muss man mal sehen, ob die sich anständig darum kümmern. Joplin zusammen mit Nextcloud ist auf jeden Fall eine sehr gute Wahl. - Für alle kurzen Sachen nutze ich seit einigen Monaten #UpNote - der Sync zwischen iOS und Win ist superschnell und ausgesprochen stabil: https://digital-cleaning.de/index.php/upnote-markdown-notizsystem-ueberraschend-gut/
Interesting to see that the #Simplenote Windows desktop version hasn't been updated since 2021, despite them including this "Simplenote Sustainer" thing into the most recent version of the mobile app in order to get people to donate. Wondering if it's becoming abandonware. If so, that would be a shame - it still fully lives up to its name as the simplest way to drop off a note, and with the reliable instant syncing it's something I've grown quite fond of over the years. #Upnote might be the future going forward, we'll see. https://github.com/Automattic/simplenote-electron
Well, I discovered #Upnote a couple of days ago and really like it. Or.. liked it. Rich text with color, markdown support straight out of the box, syncing, unlimited devices. Super cool. Then I saw that you only get fifty notes on the free plan. WHOMP WHOMP. Okay, it's just $25 for lifetime premium. I guess that's something. Cheaper than StandardNotes. Not a subscription. Still.. it really doesn't do anything better than #Obsidian and isn't free enough to compete with #Simplenote.
@alainochoa I’m currently on #obsidian / #obsidianmd , and I agree that it can be unwieldy at first. I am a tech geek, and I got lost in it by turning on all the plugins and all the features. I just got lost. So the second time I picked it up, I stayed with core functionality.
My most recent previous app was #Upnote https://getupnote.com/. It is an elegant app with many features that don't get in the way if you don't want to use them. It's also on all platforms. I jumped ship because I've been moving more toward open-source software.
@AppleNews ho mollato #evernote (diventata davvero un elefante, come da simbolo) tempo fa per #upnote, più leggera ma completa. Grande risparmio, nessun pentimento.
‘UpNote’ Note-Taking App is Now Available on Linux
If you’re yet to settle on a note-taking service that works across platforms you may want to check out a new option now available for Linux: UpNote. Now, I will mention upfront that the UpNote Linux client is Electron-based, and it is closed-source, proprietary software. The service does offer a free tier that lets you create “up to” 50 notes using basic features but you will need to shell out $0.99/month subscription (or pay a $19.99 one off fee) to create more than this, and unlock advanced options like tables, attachments, and extra export options. If you’ve read all of :sys_more_orange:
#Apps #News #Electron #NoteTakingApps #SnapApps #Upnote
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/03/upnote-note-taking-app-available-for-linux
#Apps #news #Electron #NoteTakingApps #SnapApps #Upnote