@dorkland wow. Was supposed to be studying for my accounting final at #ColumbiaBusinessSchool but went for a run and stood in the cold in my shorts outside the Dakota. Cried my eyes out. Back at the library in the #mba mill, my peers were like “who?” #upperwestside #johnlennon RIP @quiltgran
#johnlennon #UpperWestSide #mba #columbiabusinessschool
Intro in brief: Jersey guy who bumped around before ending up in CA: #NJ - #TidewaterVA - #FriendshipHeights - #UpperWestSide - #InnerSunset - #CentralValley.
Intro part 2: Deleted FB over 4 years ago and ditched the bird and all other social media soon after because of general toxicity and personal data mining. Happy to give this a try!
#nj #TidewaterVA #FriendshipHeights #UpperWestSide #InnerSunset #centralvalley