DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
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Sickness Country

Not far from are deposits of . have known to avoid this area for centuries—it is known as "sickness country". The artwork shown here depicts a person with swollen joints—the first signs of radiation poisoning.

(The Creator) and (The )

"Our land was first created by Bula, who came from saltwater country to the north. With his two wives, the Ngallenjilenji, he hunted across the land and in doing so transformed the landscape through his actions. In a number of places, Bula left his image as paintings in rock shelters. Bula finally went under the ground at a number of locations north of Katherine in an area known to us as 'Sickness Country'. It is called this because the area is very dangerous, and should not be disturbed for fear that earthquakes and fire will destroy the world… Bolung the Rainbow Serpent inhabits the deep green pools found in the Second Gorge. We do not fish in the pools where Bolung sits. When fishing close to these pools, we can take only a small portion of the fish caught and throw back the rest in order to appease Bolung. Drinking water must not be taken from these deep pools but rather from the shallow associated waters. Pregnant women and new initiates may not swim in the Katherine River for fear of disturbing Bolung, who must not be spoken to and must be left undisturbed.”
- of the people

#kakadu #uranium #aboriginals #bula #bolung #rainbowserpent #dreamtime #jawoyn #nuclear #NuclearWaste #UraniumMining #australia

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1327 followers · 17329 posts · Server

has a long history of problems. And a long list of violations. They were made for each other [sarc]

plant gets $150 million in budget

By Sheri McWhirter, Jul. 03, 2023

"Michigan lawmakers included $150 million toward the effort to restart the Palisades nuclear plant as part of a record $81.7 billion state budget passed last week.

"State officials contributed the millions in taxpayer dollars toward International’s effort to get the nuclear plant upgraded and fired back up to provide 800 megawatts of carbon-free, base load power as the energy sector transitions away from fossil fuels. If it happens, it would be the first nuclear plant nationwide to return to generating power after being decommissioned.

"The plant was closed last year when its fuel ran out and the owner sold the facility to Holtec. The new owner has now twice applied for federal money to help get the plant operational again.

"The Biden administration has a $6 billion fund within the U.S. Department of Energy intended to preserve the U.S. nuclear reactor fleet and energy sector jobs.

"[...] Power generation at nuclear plants does not generate greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change, like burning fossil fuels does. However, some advocates remain concerned about ecological from needed and risk from nuclear plants produce."

#palisadesnuclearplant #HOLTEC #palisades #nuclear #michigan #environmental #degradation #uranium #mining #radiation #toxicwaste #UraniumMining #nuclearplants #NuclearWaste

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
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Speckdäne · @Speckdaene
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3/3 Wer sich für die Techniken , die Umwelt-, gesundheitlichen und sonstigen Folgen interessiert, sei auf den Vortrag 2021 bei verwiesen:

"Uran - Tödlicher Bodenschatz"

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#Uranbergbau #UraniumMining

Last updated 2 years ago

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