RT @gorenflo@twitter.com
Highly recommended! The clarity, pragmatism & groundedness of their vision is highly unusual. Examples, real-world experience & practical, within-reach possibilities make for sturdy inspiration. #urbancommons #sharingcities https://twitter.com/SheilaRFoster/status/1598385207878582274
Looking forward to this discussion tomorrow at the University of Pennsylvania with @shannonmattern on “Urban Tech After COVID: Data and Power in City Life”
#cities #urbandata #urbantech #urbancommons #digital #digitaldivide
#digitaldivide #Digital #UrbanCommons #UrbanTech #urbandata #cities
Proud of the work my LabGov team is doing in Baton Rouge applying our "Co-City" model which helps to co-design and co-create collaborative economies in cities, particularly in neighborhoods that have been neglected and marginalized.
The story describes the project in Baton Rouge. To read more about the model, see the forthcoming MIT book "Co-Cities: Innovative Transitions toward Just and Self-Sustaining Communities" #cocities #justcities #cities #urbancommons #commons
#Commons #UrbanCommons #cities #justcities #cocities