So let's see... if I've understood your post correctly then people who like any of the following would enjoy your book?
#Abandoned #AbandondedAmerica #UrbanExploration #UrbEx #UrbExer #PhotoJournal #CoffeeTableBook #AbandonedPlaces #DismantlingTheDream
I haven't found any groups but I kind of think you and @abandonedberlin would vibe too (apologies if misstagged!)
#abandoned #abandondedamerica #urbanexploration #urbex #Urbexer #photojournal #coffeetablebook #abandonedplaces #dismantlingthedream
Licht, Schatten, Fenster zum #Fensterfreitag.
#lostplaces #abandoned #Urbexer #blackandwhite #photo #photography
#photography #photo #blackandwhite #Urbexer #abandoned #lostplaces #Fensterfreitag
Mal sichten, was noch alles an Materialen da ist für weitere Videos. Bald geht's wieder auf Tour, dann wird gefilmt, was das Zeug hält 😁🎥
#urbex #urbexworld #urbex_europe #Urbexer #youtube