RT @WiscUroRes
Join us tonight! Register here: https://tinyurl.com/55shm9k3 @Uro_Res @UroResidency @inside_thematch @Uro_Stream @wiscurology #urology #urosome https://twitter.com/WiscUroRes/status/1635351126567682049
RT @MSMC_Miami_Uro
Opportunity for ‘23-‘24 Research Year in UROLOGY!
⭐️ paid position
⭐️ diverse urologic sub specialty representation
⭐️ opportunities for mentorship
@AkshayB_MD @NicholasA_Smith
Interested? Send cover letter & CV to Nicholas.Smith@msmc.com
#UroSoMe @Uro_Res #UrologyMatch
RT @andreicumpanas
Are you a medical student looking for research opportunities? The LIFT program offers an unparalleled experience in Urologic research and clinical training with world-class mentors @RalphVClayman @jaimelandmanuci @RoshanPatel_MD @pengbo_j @UCI_Urology @Uro_Res #UroSoMe
PDE-5 inhibitors (ie. erectile dysfunction meds) are glorious things.
RT @JDCampbell_MD@twitter.com
Had a patient tell me #tadalafil didn’t help his erections but fixed his Raynaud’s disease. A serendipitous meeting.
Never heard this before. @AshleyGWinter@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JDCampbell_MD/status/1617706931279532033
RT @farahrahman23@twitter.com
Still star struck from this moment! 🤩
Had the tremendous pleasure to speak on the panel for gender equity at #urologyforsocialresponsibility
Only made even more special by having my parents in the audience.
Just a snippet of my talk on mentorship and gratitude 🎤 #UroSoMe https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1614809351486853120
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/farahrahman23/status/1614809351486853120
#urologyforsocialresponsibility #UroSoMe
RT @WiscUroRes
The final Graduate Medical Education Diversity Social Hour is happening tomorrow Jan. 10th from 5:30-7pm CST! Register here: http://tinyurl.com/49h5ys23 #UroSoMe #urology @Uro_Res @UroResidency @inside_thematch https://twitter.com/WiscUroRes/status/1585284672610861064
RT @ricardocovv@twitter.com
Thank you! 🇩🇪➡️🇲🇽
#UroSoMe https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1610839452498202625
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ricardocovv/status/1610839452498202625
RT @lachicadeuro@twitter.com
It finally made it from Germany🇩🇪 to Gto, México🇲🇽✨ #UroSoMe
Thank you so much! @knowuro@twitter.com 🌍
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lachicadeuro/status/1607831435959836681
These are the cutest testicles I have ever seen 🥰🎄
RT @CaseySeidemanMD@twitter.com
Happy holidays from the fabulous team at @OHSUDoernbecher@twitter.com @OHSUurology@twitter.com #UroSoMe 🎊
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CaseySeidemanMD/status/1603055856735916032
RT @RuchikaTalwarMD@twitter.com
What economic impact could @mcuban@twitter.com’s @costplusdrugs@twitter.com have on Medicare urologic drug spending? 🧵
🚨💰$1.29 BILLION if generics were purchased via MCCPDC💰🚨
Our new analysis in @JUrology@twitter.com 👉🏽 https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1097/JU.0000000000003083#.Y4OJYkaDGNc.twitter
@BrianCortese_@twitter.com @UroCancerMD@twitter.com #UroSoMe
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RuchikaTalwarMD/status/1596897557392809986
Judging the Uro-Lap Olympics as part of the Pre Congress #Urology #endourology #UroSoMe
#urology #endourology #UroSoMe
@GalahadUro Glad you asked!
Check out this Follow List I created: "Mastodongs" - #lists #follows #followers https://followlists.online/list/319060be-a42b-2088-4297-5afcbaa1c69f
#lists #Follows #followers #urology #Mastodongs #UroSoMe #UrologyMastodon
Check the latest Episode focusing on the most important/clinically relevant points in radiation Cystitis . #urology #UroSoMe #Urologypodcasts
#urology #UroSoMe #urologypodcasts
Hello Urology people! We have moved and are now under medics ☺️
We are here to listen and share for #Urology #ProstateCancer #BladderCancer #KidneyCancer #PenileCancer #TesticularCancer #UTUC #RCC #Urolithiasis #KidneyStones #Endourology #OAB #Incontinence #InterstitialCystitis #PedUro #KidneyTransplant #UroUTI #UroBPH #ReconstructiveUrology #UroTrauma #PeyroniesDisease #ErectileDysfunction #Andrology #LUTS #Priapism #Infertility #PelvicFloor #RenalTrauma #SexualMedicine #UroSoMe
#urology #ProstateCancer #bladdercancer #KidneyCancer #penilecancer #testicularcancer #utuc #rcc #urolithiasis #kidneystones #endourology #oab #incontinence #interstitialcystitis #peduro #kidneytransplant #urouti #urobph #reconstructiveurology #urotrauma #peyroniesdisease #erectiledysfunction #andrology #luts #priapism #infertility #pelvicfloor #renaltrauma #sexualmedicine #UroSoMe
RT @MCWasserMD@twitter.com
Had such a blast chatting with Dr Kim about our amazing field! Be sure to check it out #UroSoMe #fpmrs @sufuorg@twitter.com @urogynsociety@twitter.com https://twitter.com/amerurological/status/1593619418424086528
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MCWasserMD/status/1593622125990084610
RT @chloepetersMD@twitter.com
1/5 (22%) of 2023 urology 1st year residency spots are in states where abortion is almost or entirely illegal. #UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs @Uro_Res@twitter.com @UroResidency@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chloepetersMD/status/1592255764546359297
#UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs
I love it
RT @drboss_urology@twitter.com
Surgeon cap of the Korean Urological Association. The characters are all urologic organs and they are so cute. I like it.
#urology #KUA #UroSoMe https://t.co/xOq1PfgJU5
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drboss_urology/status/1589553424466837505