Wiederholungstäterin #Ursulavonderleyen 🤔❓ #EUCommission #EU
Wieder geht es um #SMS wie schon als sie #Verteidigungsministerin war 🤔🤬
#UrsulavonderLeyen #EUCommission #EU #SMS #verteidigungsministerin
Wundert nicht ❗ Sie gehört halt auch zur #Korrupten #Unions Partei #CDU 😡 Die #EU-#Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen #UrsulavonderLeyen, die mit #Pfizer einen milliardenschweren Impfstoffdeal per SMS besiegelte
#korrupten #unions #cdu #EU #Staatsanwaltschaft #UrsulavonderLeyen #pfizer
Scandalo intercettazioni in Bulgaria, spunta anche la von der Leyen https://euractiv.it/section/capitali/news/scandalo-intercettazioni-in-bulgaria-spunta-anche-la-von-der-leyen/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Bulgaria #elezioni #intercettazioni #UrsulavonderLeyen
#bulgaria #elezioni #intercettazioni #UrsulavonderLeyen
Biden fa il punto sulla Cina Ursula von der Leyen e Macron https://euractiv.it/section/mondo/news/biden-fa-il-punto-sulla-cina-ursula-von-der-leyen-e-macron/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Cina #EmmanuelMacron #JoeBiden #UrsulavonderLeyen #Usa
#cina #EmmanuelMacron #joebiden #UrsulavonderLeyen #usa
EU sets up research hub to analyze Big Tech's AI algorithms - The research unit will be tasked with auditing the AI-backed algo... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/eu-sets-up-research-hub-to-analyze-big-tech-s-ai-algorithms #europeancentreforalgorithmictransparency #digitalservicesact(dsa) #jointresearchcentre #europeancommission #ursulavonderleyen #thierrybreton #algorithms #aichatbots #bigtech #ecat #jrc
#jrc #ecat #bigtech #aichatbots #algorithms #ThierryBreton #UrsulavonderLeyen #europeancommission #jointresearchcentre #digitalservicesact #europeancentreforalgorithmictransparency
Un lobbista belga denuncia la von der Leyen per i contratti con Pfizer https://euractiv.it/section/capitali/news/un-lobbista-belga-denuncia-la-von-der-leyen-per-i-contratti-con-pfizer/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #CommissioneUe #Covid #UrsulavonderLeyen #vaccini
#CommissioneUe #covid #UrsulavonderLeyen #vaccini
Marian Kamensky
Vienna, Austria
#macron #EmmanuelMacron #UrsulavonderLeyen #XiJinping #EU #Europe #Cartoon #politics #satire
#Macron #EmmanuelMacron #UrsulavonderLeyen #xijinping #EU #Europe #Cartoon #politics #satire
Von der Leyen e Macron in Cina in una difficile missione diplomatica https://euractiv.it/section/mondo/news/von-der-leyen-e-macron-in-cina-in-una-difficile-missione-diplomatica/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Cina #EmmanuelMacron #Francia #Unioneeuropea #UrsulavonderLeyen
#UrsulavonderLeyen #unioneeuropea #francia #EmmanuelMacron #cina
La candidatura dell’UE al multipolarismo: contenere la Cina tenendo fuori gli Stati Uniti https://euractiv.it/section/mondo/opinion/la-candidatura-dellue-al-multipolarismo-contenere-la-cina-tenendo-fuori-gli-stati-uniti/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Cina #StatiUniti #Unioneeuropea #UrsulavonderLeyen
#UrsulavonderLeyen #unioneeuropea #statiuniti #cina
#UrsulaVonDerLeyen soll laut einem Bericht der SUN Generalsekretärin der #NATO werden. #Aprilscherz made in Britain?
#UrsulavonderLeyen #NATO #aprilscherz
Oh ben tiens, une autre #Pandemie 😮
Laissez-moi devinez... bientôt on va nous dire que #Pfizer à déjà les vaccins 🤔
#Pandémie #COVID #Vaccins #COVID19 #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #confinement #ChampignonMortel #TheLastOfUs
#pandemie #pfizer #covid #vaccins #covid19 #UrsulavonderLeyen #confinement #champignonmortel #thelastofus
#ursulavonderleyen wann ist endlich diese #Umstellerei vorbei 🤔❓#Sommerzeit #Winterzeit 🤔
#UrsulavonderLeyen #umstellerei #sommerzeit #winterzeit
Is Brexit finally done, or is everyone just done with Brexit? - John Crace
#windsorframework #UrsulavonderLeyen #Sunak #nip
Peter Schrank on #Zelensky
#UkraineRussianWar #UkraineWar #UkraineWillWin #EmmanuelMacron #UrsulavonderLeyen #OlafScholz #RussianBear #VladimirPutin #Eu - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
#zelensky #UkraineRussianWar #UkraineWar #UkraineWillWin #EmmanuelMacron #UrsulavonderLeyen #OlafScholz #RussianBear #VladimirPutin #EU
#UrsulavonderLeyen and #CharlesMichel plan to meet with #Zelenskyy on February 3 as part of the #Ukraine-#EU summit.
#EU #Ukraine #zelenskyy #charlesmichel #UrsulavonderLeyen
‼️All 27 #EU countries supported the provision of 18 billion euros of macro-financial assistance to #Ukraine.
The information was confirmed by the President of the #EuropeanCommission #UrsulavonderLeyen.
#UrsulavonderLeyen #Europeancommission #Ukraine #EU
omg, omg, omg *aufgeregt Geräusch*
Das ist alles so episch lustig. Weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll. 🤔
#OlafScholz ist entsetzt über #Korruption. Nooo.
#UrsulaVonDerLeyen will einen #Ethikrat für die #EU. (Die hätten #EvaKaili dann erklärt, dass Korruption pfui ist. 🤣)
Und #DennisRadtke fordert mal eben direkt den taufrischen #LNG Deal mit #Katar einzustampfen. (Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen.)
P.S.: Korrupte EU Vertreter verhandeln wohl Visa-Abkommen mit Staaten.
#olafscholz #Korruption #UrsulavonderLeyen #Ethikrat #eu #evakaili #dennisradtke #lng #Katar
The head of the #EuropeanCommission, #UrsulavonderLeyen, announced that the ninth package of #sanctions against #Russia is ready.
📍Another 200 Russian citizens and companies will be blacklisted.
📍Restrictions will be introduced against three Russian banks.
📍Russia will restrict access to drones.
📍New export restrictions on dual-use goods, military electronics and technology, and sanctions against the mining sector.
📍Prohibition on broadcasting of four Russian TV channels.
#Russia #sanctions #UrsulavonderLeyen #Europeancommission
The information about the losses is "sensitive", so it can only be announced by the Commander-in-Chief, the Minister of Defense or the President himself, said #Nikiforov, the President's spokesman, in a comment to #Suspilno.
The public asked the sEuropeanCommission where #UrsulavonderLeyen got the information from.
#UrsulavonderLeyen #suspilno #nikiforov