The world must pay attention to CCP crimes. As the EU discusses reviewing its obsolete China strategy, human rights and protection of human dignity must be a key part of our policy
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Rushan Abbas: The recording of the brutal murder of #Uyghurs by #Chinese workers on June 26th, 2009 in Shaoguan, China.
Uyghurs took to the streets in protest on July 5th, 2009 in #Urumchi when the #CCP tried to conceal this bloody event, which led to the CCP's #UrumchiMassacre.
#Uyghurs #chinese #Urumchi #CCP #UrumchiMassacre
🗓️ Ce #5juillet marque le 13ème anniversaire du #MassacreUrumchi qui dura trois jours, du 5 au 8 juillet 2009, où des milliers de jeunes manifestant•e•s ouïghour•e•s ont été arrêté•e•s, tué•e•s et ont disparu•e•s.
Nous n’oublions pas !
#freeuyghurs #UrumchiMassacre #MassacreUrumchi #5juillet