might look different in each country.

Most important is to adapt regulation to the specific conditions of each country, taking into account the needs of all involved actors. And regulations need to be easy to use.

Mr Ryło,

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/employers_EESC/statu

#EconomicMigration #UrządPracy #Warszawa

Last updated 2 years ago

Starting TODAY at 15:00

🌍 Panel: EU policy: Supporting a more demand-led approach

⭐️@AnitaVella4, @EUHomeAffairs
⭐️@kmchooper, @MigrationPolicy
⭐️Mr Ranieri, @Cedefop
⭐️Mr Ryło,
⭐️Ms Machado, @HOTREC_EUROPE

RT @employers_EESC: 🔴Tune in on Monday when we discuss:

🌍 EU policies: responding to and needs

with Commissio…

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/employers_EESC/statu

#EconomicMigration #UrządPracy #Warszawa #Employers4Reforms #labourmarket #skills

Last updated 2 years ago