#UsRobotics #PalmPilot #BatterySwap
As you know, I am doing a cleanup. Even so it isn't #CleanUpMonday today.
Found the PalmPilot just in time for a (2*AAA) battery swap. The last apparently was 15th of June 2008. Which meant, a complete data loss. History repeats itself and I will never learn it seems.
#UsRobotics #palmpilot #Batteryswap #cleanupmonday
@satan Nice. Too bad it's not a Courier, though.
(I still use my #USRobotics screwdriver that I must have gotten with a Courier.)
I thought #UsRobotics was out of business…
And I seriously doubt that that modem will work on VoIP lines…
What a remembrance, by the way!