Thought I'd try using spaces on my Mac. If turn off "Displays have separate spaces" (because when I switch space, I want both screens to switch), it turns out I only get a menu bar in the main display. Crap for accessing menu for windows in the second display! #macOS #usabilityFail
It’s 2008.
I listen to Joel On Software, ex-MS PM Excel. A new product bring built to answer software Qs, called StackOverflow. Sign up for the beta, answer some Qs. Have trouble logging in.
2 things stick out: The login implementation was complicated by OAuth & SO is a testament of how NOT to build s site for users that interact with other users. Toxic AF.
10M USD & none was spent on #Usabilityfail or creating a #learning environment.
Hvis du bliver tilbudt en opgradering af din waoo boks så træk lige vejret en gang. Jeg har lige sendt den nye retur og sat den gamle på igen fordi: 1 den havde ikke - den skulle jeg selvhente hos google som krævede en google login. 2 den havde ikke menory til teksttvsider så man når man flipper gennem siderne tog det fra 5 til 20 sek for hver ny side. Men noget nyt kunne den nye- det var bare ikke på min ønskeseddel. #Waoo #Tvboks #Usabilityfail #noGoogleTracking
#waoo #tvboks #Usabilityfail #noGoogleTracking