🛠️ 10 herramientas para hacer #pruebasdeusabilidad en remoto
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#pruebasdeusabilidad #Useberry #UXtweak #usertesting #UserZoom #CrazyEgg #dovetail #maze #optimizely #Loop11 #Usabilla
I have been testing #Useberry a remote testing tool as an alternative to Maze. Both seem to be great tools. Created a card sorting test for my homepage content as an extra source of insight in addition to user testing, and a short path in a new feature to test Figma prototypes. It is quite straightforward to use and provide stats and heatmaps. I wonder if have been working with such tools as well. #UX #UserTesting #ProductDesign
#productdesign #usertesting #ux #Useberry
En train d'étudier des outils de test utilisateur à distance comme #Maze et #Useberry... Avec l'objectif de soumettre mes prototypes #Figma à des utilisateurs en cours de conception. #productmanagement #UX #productdesign
#productdesign #ux #productmanagement #figma #Useberry #maze