I opened a #Codeberg repo for it and also created a #userstyle !
I've been really enjoying #MSBuild so far, but the #chatroom next to the #streaming video is extremely distracting, so I wrote a #UserStyle #css that hides the #chat and resizes the video to take advantage of the extra space. Just install the #Stylus browser extension (https://add0n.com/stylus.html), then click the Install button on the linked page below, and enjoy a cleaner, less distracting #MicrosoftBuild experience. 😎
#msbuild #chatroom #Streaming #Userstyle #css #chat #stylus #microsoftbuild
I don't remember which post it was, that showed the "Publish!" button changed to "🐘💨" (A German one I think), but this is now available as a #Userstyle! :party: :blobcatgiggle:
I also used parts @me 's custom.css for this - you are in the authors section ^^
You can download it here right now! (You may use #stylus for it):