When data disagrees, ignore the data. Closed mindedness brough to you by Molly and Sue.
"There is no surprise though that Molly of #UsforThemUK still fails to realise or understand that the other half of parents saw a positive effect on their child. Increases in confidence, higher grades, happier, more relaxed to name a few."
"For most families, feelings of closeness and bonding improved during lockdown which was seen as highly beneficial for well-being." https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/6400/pdf/
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
#UsforThemUK are NOT speaking for parents or children. 43k + views and only 125 ❤️ and this is them RT their own tweet. How on Earth this charade of an organisation were ever taken seriously by backbench MPs is an insult to all parents & their children
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1611868787430625281
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Right #UsforThemUK I hope mine are kept well away from the fears your trying to feed them like they are doomed, they’ve been robbed, they will struggle etc etc. I wish them good health above everything
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1609544371317112833
What #UsForThemUK Allison Pearson, Molly Kingsley hate.
RT @ByrneLuc@twitter.com
@dansmith2022@twitter.com @CounsellingSam@twitter.com @Saffiya_Khan1@twitter.com "The lifting of masking requirements was associated with an additional 44.9 Covid-19 cases per 1000 students and staff during the 15 weeks after the statewide masking policy was rescinded."
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Publish yours then Molly of #UsforThemUK I don’t think the #HartLeaks went down too well let’s see what you, Heneghan & Co have been seeding since
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1603282976770506752
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Although #UsforThemUK started out asking about banning smart phones and now have called it tobacco style regulation remember tobacco is banned for under 18s and the beauty Molly refers to wouldn’t work unless phones were banned for such. Basically they are trying to ban them
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1603336717506940929
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Absolutely excellent point. #UsforThemUK clearly haven’t thought their new campaign through. They first asked if we should outright ban smartphones for kids and had little support so this was the next brain fluff (not even clever enough to be a fart) that came along https://twitter.com/robertjbateman/status/1603048731917836288
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1603278365963976704
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Only individual parents can decide if and when their child gets a mobile phone. It’s also a parents responsibility to ensure their children are safe on line and use the hardware correctly and we have the tools to do so. I will fight tooth and nail for PARENTAL RIGHTS #UsforThemUK
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1603097262431014912
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Ah Molly of #UsforThemUK so it’s less about the children and more about you being able to have a say on the online safety regulations. You do know misinformation isn’t free speech don’t you? I’ll put it in simple terms for you it’s also known as lying 🤥
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1602991694315651075
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Reasons children have phones #1 SAFETY
Seen a pay phone around lately #UsforThemUK ? I know where my children are right now because we have a tracking app it once saved my son from serious harm.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1602993631165665281
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
According to absurd and Molly of #UsforThemUK all those nativity’s, xmas fate’s, Carol concerts were imagined last year as well. 🤦🏼♀️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1601870442469392386
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Still not correcting this absolute codswallop in your replies I see #UsforThemUK yet your quick to block real parents who challenge your narrative and call you out
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1601621110164172800
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Because funnily enough she didn’t give kids a second thought before then did you Molly of #UsforThemUK they weren’t really going to get you regular slots on tv, or column inches with their plights back then.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1600947791660216320
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
#UsforThemUK also claimed the other day it was because Scotland were doing it. What did they want kids to carry on while we waited for them to investigate, report back, put it to a vote there wasn’t bloody time was there 🤪
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1600278798578028544
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Hey Kids,
Remember that crazy #UsforThemUK lot who wanted to ban masks in class, stop you getting the covid vaccine and said it was what you wanted.
Well now they want to ban you having smart phones their founder here thinks government should regulate the hardware like smoking
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1600085761939873792
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
So #UsforThemUK what caused the strep outbreak in 2017 then ? Why are Sweden, who didn’t lockdown, seeing the same issues ? As usual your misleading and trying to seed a half baked idea which only does children an injustice by dismissing yet another issue as a LD harm.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1599114395065364481
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
With no evidence at all to claim this Alison & Molly of #UsforThemUK again exploit children who’ve died and give no thought or consideration to the one currently fighting for her life in hospital either.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1599112768858136581
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
#UsforThemUK just stop. Are you going to be blaming LD forever? Who are these experts I wonder 🤔 raised awareness is what children need right now not guesswork
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1598973655584632832
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
Yet the founder of #UsforThemUK thinks it’s responsible to tweet she won’t vaccinate her kids for flu this year🤦🏼♀️
Parents urged to vaccinate under-fives against flu amid surge in infections https://news.sky.com/story/parents-urged-to-vaccinate-under-fives-against-flu-amid-surge-in-infections-12760299
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1598847472260222976
RT @Josie19752@twitter.com
So Molly of #UsforThemUK isn’t anti vax but clearly is because the flu vaccine for kids is firstly a nasal spray, no jab involved (shows how much she knows) and she’s repeatedly said flu is more dangerous to kids than covid yet she won’t give her own kids a vaccine against it
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Josie19752/status/1598794504273895441