🇵🇱🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺 W #Bratysława wiceminister @BartoszGrodecki wziął udział w spotkaniu ministrów spraw wewnętrznych Grupy Wyszehradzkiej #V4 w formacie rozszerzonym o Austrię 🇦🇹
✅ Głównym tematem rozmów było przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom hybrydowym oraz nielegalnej migracji. https://t.co/Hp4Tn7fOjK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MSWiA_GOV_PL/status/1674410848276852736
RT @EDKrakow: 🟡Przy okazji dyskusji o priorytecie KE 🇪🇺 "Promowanie naszego europejskiego stylu życia" w spotkaniu z cyklu "Komentarz ekspertów" porozmawialiśmy o integracji europejskiej, relacjach łączących UE i Szwajcarię, o tendencjach w podejściu do #UE w #V4.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1644256796624789505
RT @PM_ViktorOrban: #V4 Summit: I thanked @P_Fiala for his support during our negotiations on the #MFF and the recovery fund. We have agreed on a 17-point package with the @EU_Commission, and are ready to seal the deal! 🇭🇺🇪🇺
RT @DanielHegedus82: Today, at the meeting of the #V4 Prime Ministers in #Kosice, @MorawieckiM, @P_Fiala & @eduardheger urged 🇭🇺PM @PM_ViktorOrban to ratify the #NATO accession of 🇫🇮&🇸🇪 asap.
The 🇭🇺 response? Postponing the parliamentary vote from December 7 to January...
Isn't this a slap in face?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1595899212935598080
Give him a scarf. But make sure EU won't give him billions!
RT @eduardheger: I’ve welcome HU PM Viktor #Orban to #V4 summit in #Kosice and as winter is approaching gave him a new #scarf #scarfgate.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/daniel_freund/status/1595730895536902145
#Orban #V4 #Kosice #scarf #ScarfGate
“Určitě je to užitečný formát, který se v minulosti osvědčil”, pravil premiér @P_Fiala o #V4, před cestou na setkání premiérů těchto zemí 24.11. na Slovensku.
Státnický přístup - na rozdíl od bojkotu parlamentního summitu V4 hlavami obou komor našeho PČR. https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-politika-nechceme-soutez-narodnich-rozpoctu-v-podporovani-firem-cil-premiera-na-v4-219417
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ZahradilJan/status/1594592669333745664
Ned Ludd, sabotaging a loom, in the style of J. C. Leyendecker. #midjourney #v4
@library_squirrel @owl yes, for now at least. Same as with "Copy link to post" (publishes are called posts here, still)
I used (unfocused post in an advanced web view timeline)→(3 horizontal dots menu)→Open original page and (same context)→Copy link to post.
The new #V4 "date permalink" format is a crap, anti-distributed-web, mechanism, but there's still an out. Currently..
Phew, they're not trackers that embed the account on which they were created. The ID used on the end is just the ID used in the #Mastodon #V4 instance for the remote toot, and it is the same when generated on different accounts, no accounts, different browsers. The format seems to be
Test elephant (toot has a hashtag you can go find on m.s to verify this for yourself):
🇭🇺🇵🇱🇨🇿🇸🇰Every single thing #Orban touches goes wrong. Now it's the #V4 alliance.
RT @viktoriaserdult: Speakers of Czech and Polish parliaments boycott the Visegrad Four meeting, because they don't want to sit at the same table with the Hungarians „ 🇭🇺are Russia's Trojan horse, and it'ss important to send them a signal that it's unacceptable’ said Adamová. https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-politika-pekarova-s-vystrcilem-b…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1593224655888089088
Oh actually upgrading was more painless than I thought.
The hard bit was kicking Ruby to upgrade - surely precompiled binaries exist in an apt repo somewhere?
#Meta #MastoAdmin #v4.0.0
🇸🇰 FA minister: It seems that the 🇭🇺 Gov sometimes uses the Kremlin book of arguments
🇭🇺 FA state secretary: 🇸🇰 FA minister is anti-Hungarian. And he can't ruin #V4.
(1) Pathetic answer.
(2) He can't. @PM_ViktorOrban could and did, however.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1590323436693225474
RT @SLOVAKIAinEU: @V4_PRES @SlovakiaMFA @MariaMalovaEU @euenergyweek @ZEKvSR @bpb_sk @martinhojsik @Energy4Europe @MWorsdorfer @RenovateEurope @EU2022_CZ Cheapest #energy is the one we don’t consume🏡⚡️
#Energy #Performance of #Buildings #Directive
🎥 Recording from the #EPBD workshop available here ▶ https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=810514003480285&ref=sharing
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1580253387442253825
#energy #performance #buildings #directive #V4 #SKV4PRES #EPBD
RT @MariaMalovaEU: Cheapest energy is the one we don’t consume 💡💸 Thank you @MWorsdorfer @martinhojsik @MPejrimovsky @EU2022_CZ @bpb_sk for sharing your views on #EPBD 🏡⚡️ with #V4 stakeholders and Brussels audience 🇪🇺 during today’s workshop @V4_PRES @SLOVAKIAinEU 🇸🇰🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/martinhojsik/status/1579757135793381377
I’m participating in the meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of the #V4 countries extended by 🇧🇬, 🇭🇷, 🇷🇴 and 🇸🇮 under the 🇸🇰 Presidency of the #VisegradGroup. /1
Click the link below to see my updated calendar 🗓 for next week👇
- #Europe is to blame for this 'local' war becoming 'global'
- by 2030 the EU 🇪🇺 could fall apart
- by 2040 muslims will be the majority in 🇫🇷 cities
- by 2030 🇭🇺 and #V4 🇨🇿🇵🇱🇸🇰 could be net contributors in which case it shall be asked if the membership worth it at all
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/istvan_ujhelyi/status/1570770834574422017
RT @BalazsOrban_HU: 🇭🇺📉Hungary has reduced its dependence on Russian oil the most among the #V4 countries. While in 2013 80% of the country's total oil imports came from RU, by 2022 this figure had fallen to 46%.
#V4 countries go back to normal: “Respecting our UA colleagues, we would like to return to the cooperation in this format,” @MorawieckiM announced. “All the remaining issues, in which we showed solidarity & support, will bind us again.”