Achso und: In der ersten Stunde sind wir nur über Nebengleise im Bahnhof gefahren, die gar nicht mit PZB ausgerüstet sind (weil da eben keine Züge verkehren, nur Rangierfahrten), sodass der Lapsus erstmal keine Auswirkungen hatte.
Fahrzeug war eine #V60
We made some coffee #brewguide videos. You can find them here . Three short videos showing how we like to brew #frenchpress #v60 and #aeropress. I hope people find them useful.
#brewguide #frenchpress #V60 #aeropress
Even with the grinder set to 28 it draws down in quite a bit less than 3 minutes using the latest #JamesHoffmann technique. Which seems quick. But not sure it will get better if I go finer. Still a great cup of #coffee though. I'm being picky. #V60
At the very slight risk of sounding like a #CoffeeWanker, the Finca La Esperanza I'm drinking now isn't quite as nice as the previous Alemayehu Daniel Miju. I assume watermelon acidity is the magic factor. #coffee #v60
After some failed first attempts at espresso yesterday, my morning pourover suffers from my pre-caffiene state forgetting to make sure I didn't have any leftover grind in the bin. Very overextracted and bitter cup. I am trying not to use this as an excuse to spend more money on another grinder. I will probably fail.
Cup was the same as yesterday, this is a marked achievement. Consistency is the first step to progress.
I lowered the temp another 2C, slightly less bitterness, but overall quality was maintained. I feel like I'm getting a handle on which knobs alter which values in the final cup, but the real test will be when I get some new coffee to try.
Day... I've lost track, DST is bad and we should stop it.
Today's cup is actually pretty great. I watched a few more Hoffmann videos about brewing darker roasts and figured out the main issue was some crossed wires on water temperature. Reducing temps has improved things considerably.
Starting to get actual flavors from this darker roast, instead of just roasty/burnt flavors. The coffee is definitely past it's prime, but salvagably so it seems.
#v60 pour over today. Good results with 25g coffee to 375 of water. 50g bloom, with two even pour after, second of which I agitated. #coffee #pourover #onyxcoffee
#V60 #coffee #pourover #onyxcoffee
I used the finer #Aeropress grinder setting for my #V60 #coffee because I was distracted. That was a jolt to the system.
#coffee posting: usually I aim to have my #v60 brew in 3:30 (and grind towards that number, before adjusting to taste) but recently I bought a bag of coffee from my favourite local roasters (Quarter Horse, Birmingham) and the brew is more like 6 minutes?! And it tastes REALLY good.
Am I way out here on my process? I think I picked up the 3:30 from a James Hoffman video, and he seems to know what he's talking about..
@usr What I don't really understand is why different beans on the same grind setting lead to very different #V60 brew times. My current beans need to be near espresso settings to get time much beyond two minutes. Which feels wrong. Taste is only thing that matters ultimately of course.
@usr What I don't really understand is why different beans on the same grind setting lead to very different #V60 brew times. My current beans need to be near espresso settings to get time much beyond two minutes. Which feels wrong. Taste is only thing that matters ultimately of course.