laura balboa · @laurabalboa
26 followers · 68 posts · Server

Hoy tenía planeado un programa temático sobre hardware pero no es el momento. Voy a ceder el espacio para poner trabajo de Valis Ortiz y que se escuche una Bulla cósmica.

#VALIS #manitasnerviosas

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

Looking for a reference to the for a discussion with my students (founded), I come across this huge list of fictional

Even just the names...
-ArmyForceBrain -Regent -3 #(unnamedcomputer) .E.N.C.H.889B -Fokkercomputertapes -1 'sGuidetotheGalaxy .0DeepThoughtDeepThought #(unnamedintelligence)

#bc #Kendy #SAL9000 #Shirka #Hactar #VALIS #TECTTECTinthenameoftheRepresentative #GolemXIV #AIVAS #SUM #Spartacus #eddie #EarthEarth2 #deepthought #TheHitchhiker #ZORACVISARJEVEX #total #SigfridvonShrinkAlbertEinsteinPolymat #WellWorld #Obie #domino #CentralComputer #p #Peerssa #UNITRACK #fuckup #Extro #Proteus #PallasAthena #minerva #dora #tect #HARLIE #müller #Maxine #t #unicomp #Fess #ARDNEH #Project79 #thethinker #TänkandeAugust #Shalmaneser #hal9000 #TheBerserkers #am #littlebrother #Moxon #WESCAC #supreme #TheOx #MycroftHolmes #FrostSolComDivComBeta #ColossusGuardian #Muddlehead #genie #Simulacron #merlin #GreatCoordinatorRobot #Vulcan2Vulcan3 #ac #CosmicAC #UniversalAC #GalacticAC #Microvac #ThirdFleet #Miniac #TheCentralComputer #Multivac #TheCityFathers #Bossy #gold #mima #karl #MarkV #ThePrimeRadiant #EMSIAC #EPICAC #MARAX #TheMachines #joe #thebrain #GamesMachine #TheEngine #computer #fiction #computers #ElizaEffect

Last updated 4 years ago