Good discussion with @Mahi_Nur in the margins of the @g20org meeting on women empowerment. We discussed measures to combat #VAWG, promote women's economic empowerment, strengthen child and long-term care structures and ensure full participation of Roma people in our societies.
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Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş: We had a meeting with European Commissioner for Equality, @helenadalli as part of the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women's Empowerment.
We will continue our joint work on especially women's empowerment, Roma citizens and refugees.
I met with @MarjanHammersma at the @g20org meeting on women empowerment. We exchanged ideas on measures to strengthen gender equality, address #VAWG and fight discrimination towards LGBTIQ persons in our shared commitment towards a #UnionOfEquality
RT PES Women
Consent-based definitions of rape are needed to combat #VAWG in the 🇪🇺
@PES_Women supports the EP's inclusion of consent-based definitions of rape in the Directive on #ViolenceAgainstWomen.
Well done to S&D MEP @evinincir for your hard work on this directive🌹
RT EP PressService
🎙️Press conference by @FitzgeraldFrncs and @evinincir, co-rapporteurs on combating violence against women and domestic violence #VAWG, following the vote in #EPlenary
🔴Watch LIVE here:
Re @EUtoAU head of coop @ThomasHuygheba1 expressed EU's commitment to support @_AfricanUnion as a key actor to accelerate the elimination of #VAWG in the continent in collaboration with MS and CSO at #SIARP meeting.
#VAWG #SIARP #SpotlightEndViolence #AUEU
RT ÖVP in Europa
#GewaltGegenFrauen nimmt weiterhin zu, es ist höchste Zeit zu handeln. Die Prävention und Bekämpfung muss dieser Entwicklung begegnen und einen Rahmen bilden, der auch vor Online-Gewalt wie Cybermobbing oder Cyberstalking schützt und diese bestraft, sagt @lukasmandl. #VAWG
👩🏻 i 👧🏼 moraju moći živjeti bez straha, #VAWG i svakodnevne nesigurnosti.
Danas je povijesni dan na našem 🛤 prema izgradnji istinske #UnionOfEquality.
Povjerenica za ravnopravnost @helenadalli položila je instrument pristupanja 🇪🇺 #IstabulConvention @coe.
#VAWG #UnionOfEquality #IstabulConvention #StopViolenceOnWomen
RT ÖVP in Europa
Im @EP_GenderEqual und @EP_Justice haben wir für eine #EU-Richtlinie zur Bekämpfung von #GewaltGegenFrauen gestimmt. Das ist ein weiterer großer Schritt in Richtung eines gemeinsamen europäischen Ansatzes zur Bekämpfung von Gewalt an Frauen, sagt @angelikawinzig. #VAWG
Violence against women: sex without consent is rape, say MEPs
The draft report asks for a uniform, consent-based definition of rape in the EU, tougher rules on cyber violence, and improved support for victims #VAW #VAWG
Details ⤵️
It was a great honour to deposit the instrument of the EU’s accession to the @coe #IstanbulConvention. This is a historic day in our path towards building a true #UnionOfEquality free from #VAWG. I thank all those who worked for this milestone to be achieved.
#istanbulconvention #UnionOfEquality #VAWG
RT Saoirse Domestic Violence Services
We were honored to discuss violence against women being criminalised & punished equally across Europe with @FitzgeraldFrncs
This is not a "women's issue". We need to challenge this mentality, ensuring a unified repose to #VAWG & standard set of how women and girls are treated
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EPP Group: ❓Are women sa…
Pleased to join Parliamentary colleagues this week to support the excellent work of @SikhWomensAid and launch their latest report, uncovering the prevalence of #VAWG in Sikh Panjabi communities. #FromHerKingsAreBorn
Εξαιρετική πρωτοβουλία και η έκθεση των έργων παιδιών για την έμφυλη βία.
#Ρόδος #IWD2023 #genderequality #VAWG
RT @ElenaKountoura: Είχα τη χαρά να είμαι κεντρική ομιλήτρια στην εκδήλωση της Επιτροπής Ισότητας του Δήμου Ρόδου "Φύλο- Κοινωνία- Θεσμοί ", στο πλαίσιο των δράσεων ενημέρωσης της τοπικής κοινωνίας της Ρόδου για τα δικαιώματα, τις ανάγκες και τις προσδοκίες των γυναικών.
Αναλύσαμε τις…
#Ρόδος #IWD2023 #GenderEquality #VAWG
And if I am the next MP for Totnes, one of the things I will take into the job with me is the rage I feel at the lack of importance given to this vital area of education - it's a public health emergency that no one is taking seriously.
#vawg @RapeCrisisEandW #education #phse
Συμμετέχω ως ομιλήτρια στη σημερινή εκδήλωση του WE GO!3 στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο για τον ρόλο των πολιτικών και ταμείων της της ΕΕ στην κοινωνική και οικονομική ενδυνάμωση των γυναικών θυμάτων ενδοσυντροφικής βίας.
Είμαι υπερήφανη που ως εισηγήτρια του ΕΚ συνέβαλα καταλυτικά με την έκθεση μου και τις παρεμβάσεις μου και που συνολικά με την πίεση όλου του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, πετύχαμε αυτήν την ιστορική εξέλιξη.
If the govt was really serious about #VAWG then they would be implementing prevention and education measures. No funding for any of this. Just sweeping up after the mess. Support orgs overwhelmed and underfunded. Workers exhausted. Tougher sentences will do nothing to help.
RT @PlymouthRebecca: I welcome the new measures to tackle #VAWG announced today. It’s all part of the ongoing work required across society to see an end to the unacceptable levels of violence t…
Η καθυστέρηση από την ΕΕ στην κύρωση της Σύμβασης της Κωνσταντινούπολης είναι σε βάρος των θυμάτων έμφυλης βίας. Χρειάζεται πολιτική βούληση από το Συμβούλιο για να κυρωθεί άμεσα από την ΕΕ η Σύμβαση. Παρέμβασή μου στην Ολομέλεια του ΕK
#VAWG #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
#VAWG #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
Τώρα ζωντανά - πραγματοποιείται στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο η εκδήλωση για την έμφυλη βία.
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#VAWG #EndViolenceAgainstWomen @SYRIZAEP
#VAWG #EndViolenceAgainstWomen