A thread I posted on the 75th anniversary of VE Day about my late Grandad’s service in the Second World War.
We must always be thankful to a generation who sacrificed so much in defense of freedom. #VEDay77
RT @Rory_Palmer: Following the thread I posted on #VEDay75 about my Grandad, I now have a full copy of his letter home which was written the day after VE Day. One of the most extraordinary and moving things I've ever read.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Rory_Palmer/status/1523312163544510464
RT @DefenceHQ@twitter.com
The Red Arrows led the nation in tribute to the heroes of the Second World War, 75 years after Victory in Europe. #VEDay75
The @rafredarrows@twitter.com flew over Central London as RAF Typhoons performed flypasts over Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1258787579467612161
RT @HarvardMapColl@twitter.com
To mark V-E Day, a #map of #Berlin from 1920 by Alexius Kiessling ##VEDay75 #harvardlibrary high-res: https://digitalcollections.library.harvard.edu/catalog/990107766790203941
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HarvardMapColl/status/1258800326729179136
#harvardlibrary #VEDay75 #berlin #map
RT @hesselmann@twitter.com
„What did they want?“ Vasily Grossman, author of „Life and Fate“ and „Stalingrad“, in Berlin 1945. From: „A Writer At War: Vasily Grossman with the Red Army 1941-1945“ #WW2 #VEDay75 #8May #8Mai1945 #Fascism #NeverForget #NeverAgain
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hesselmann/status/1258689065118990337
#neveragain #neverforget #fascism #8Mai1945 #8May #VEDay75 #ww2
RT @GCHQ@twitter.com
This note, written by GCHQ Analysts at @BletchleyPark@twitter.com in #WWII, shows the final message from the German BROWN network: “Closing down for ever – all the best – goodbye.”
Discover more in this special #VEDay75 blog written by our Historian, Tony Comer