I was rummaging through a box of my old tapes and found this video from a SCUBA trip in 2009!
@jonathankoren also those distortion beams are more akin to skipping errors of the #CED by #RCA and not #VHS!
Rathaus der Stadt Olsberg – Entwurf und Herstellung der Wappenfenster
#AtellierSuberg #Bau #Baustelle #Elleringhausen #ElleringhauserStrae #Filme #GebudeInElleringhausen #KsterHansMartin #Neubau #Olsberg #RathausOlsberg #StadtOlsberg #StraenInElleringhausen #SubergJrgen #VHS #Knstler #nl2308 #Ratssaal #Stadtwappen #Stadtwappenfenster #Wappen #Wappenfenster
#atelliersuberg #Bau #Baustelle #Elleringhausen #elleringhauserstrae #Filme #gebudeinelleringhausen #ksterhansmartin #Neubau #Olsberg #RathausOlsberg #StadtOlsberg #straeninelleringhausen #subergjrgen #VHS #knstler #nl2308 #ratssaal #stadtwappen #stadtwappenfenster #wappen #wappenfenster
Rathaus der Stadt Olsberg – Baustelle Dachstuhl
#Bau #Baustelle #Bigge #BiggerPlatz #Filme #Gewitter #Neubau #Olsberg #RathausOlsberg #StadtOlsberg #StraenInBigge #VHS #Wetter #Dachstuhl #nl2308 #Zimmerarbeiten #Zimmermann #Zimmermeister
#Bau #Baustelle #Bigge #BiggerPlatz #Filme #gewitter #Neubau #Olsberg #RathausOlsberg #StadtOlsberg #straeninbigge #VHS #Wetter #dachstuhl #nl2308 #zimmerarbeiten #Zimmermann #zimmermeister
@EeveeEuphoria the point is that the #VHS #filter effects aim to copy degradation of higly-worn tapes and thus artifacting, colour banding, etc.
#eighties #80s #msdos #chatgpt #msdos #ai #artificialintelligence #vhs #retro #retrocomputing #multiverse #dos #video #1980s #80s #nostalgia
#nostalgia #1980s #Video #DOS #multiverse #RetroComputing #retro #VHS #artificialintelligence #AI #chatgpt #msdos #80s #eighties
If ChatGPT was around in the '80s... In full VHS! Please share!
#msdos #chatgpt #msdos #ai #artificialintelligence #vhs #retro #retrocomputing #multiverse #dos #video #1980s #80s #eigthies #tbt #ThrowBackThursday
#ThrowBackThursday #TBT #eigthies #80s #1980s #Video #DOS #multiverse #RetroComputing #retro #VHS #artificialintelligence #AI #chatgpt #msdos
🎧 Music History | #RoyOrbison invited friends to perform with him at the Coconut Grove in LA on September 30, 1987.
"Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night" was filmed and ran on #Cinemax and released on #VHS and #Laserdisc.
"Uptown" features #BruceSpringsteen on guitar and vocals and #ElvisCostello on harmonica. Back up singers I spotted include #BonnieRaitt and #kdlang. The stars were out that night, on and off stage.
#music #blues #performance #live https://youtu.be/_EE3Ko6aGug
#Live #performance #blues #Music #kdlang #BonnieRaitt #elviscostello #brucespringsteen #laserdisc #VHS #cinemax #royorbison
Early days of #VHS there was a man who visited our house with a suitcase of videos for weekly rentals. We watched some videos more than once as a result because the range was small. Silver Dream Racer starring #DavidEssex was one of those, and the main song #SilverDreamMachine fits in nicely with the #JukeboxFridayNight #TransportTunes #PlanesTrainsAndAutomobiles theme this week.
#Music #planestrainsandautomobiles #transporttunes #jukeboxfridaynight #silverdreammachine #davidessex #VHS
Pfarrgemeinde St. Nikolaus Olsberg – Erstkommunion 1985
#Erstkommunion #Filme #GebäudeinOlsberg #heiligeMesse #Kirche #Köster,Christoph #Köster,HansMartin #Olsberg #PfarrgemeindeSt.NikolausOlsberg #PfarrheimOlsberg #PfarrkircheSt.NikolausOlsberg #Religion #StadtOlsberg #VHS #Weller,Andreas #newsletter0223
#erstkommunion #Filme #gebaudeinolsberg #heiligeMesse #Kirche #koster #Olsberg #PfarrgemeindeSt #pfarrheimolsberg #PfarrkircheSt #religion #StadtOlsberg #VHS #weller #newsletter0223
Remember the "How to Hack Like A Pro VHS" that came with the Game Shark for the Nintendo 64? Let's watch it together.
#nintendo #n64 #gameshark #Hacking #VHS
#VHS #hacking #gameshark #n64 #Nintendo
On the video end of things, there are piles and pile of DVD players, Blu-ray players and DVRs. With a handful of VHS, Betamax and laserdisc players mixed in for good measure. This is also where I first saw VHD before the Techmoan video on it!
Also popped in a photo of some mini-stereos that I liked the look of but didn’t fit in the previous toot!
@MarieBatzel zukünftig könnten die einzelnen #VHS sich dann direkt bei @admin sammeln um als Gruppe besser agieren zu können. 😉
Willkommen @admin im großen Fediverse, schön zu sehen das nun eine Instanz als Sammelstelle für #Volkshochschulen existiert. 👋😀
Da werde ich demnächst einmal der örtlichen #VHS bescheid geben bezüglich einer Registrierung bei euch. 😁