*As container #technology matures, what I really expect to happen, as Thorsten von Eicken, CTO of enterprise cloud management company RightScale, put it is that #VM and #containers will come together to form a #cloud #portability nirvana. We're not there yet, but we will get there.*
#technology #VM #containers #Cloud #portability
Referenced link: https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/microsoft-azure-vms-highjacked-in-cloud-cyberattack
Originally posted by Dark Reading / @DarkReading@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/DarkReading/status/1659559409909997569#m
Heads up: Threat group is abusing the serial console feature on Azure virtual machines (VMs) to hijack the VM to load remote management software in clients' cloud environments. https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/microsoft-azure-vms-highjacked-in-cloud-cyberattack #Azure #VM
I got an external harddisk that was encrypted using a windows-only program.
So I need to make a windows vm to remove the encryption.
I have been trying qemu with virt-manager from a linux host to windows guest and have no clue as to how to set up a link between external storage device from host to guest.
Does anyone hear know anything about this?
Unsere virtuelle Telefonanlage läuft ja auf einer #VPS bei #Contabo. Heute Morgen war sie schon total langsam und nun ist sie gar nicht erreichbar. Zwischendrin war sie kurz da und auch performant. Ticket an den Support ist raus, aber noch kein Feedback was die Ursache ist 🤔 Hab jetzt mal (liege ja krank auf der Couch) mal schnell eine neue #VM auf meinem eigenen Server bei IP-Projects aufgesetzt und die Config eingespielt, jetzt können die Kollegen zumindest erstmal wieder telefonieren.
Did you know that it's possible to run Mac OS in a virtual machine under Linux? This makes testing websites with Safari much easier. Check out this script for VirtualBox: https://github.com/myspaghetti/macos-virtualbox and this one for KVM: https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM #Linux #MacOS #vm #kvm #webdev
#Linux #macOS #VM #kvm #webdev
Meanwhile at @Vates we've been busy trying to make the transition to #FLOSS easy for #VMWare users thanks to our migration script: https://xen-orchestra.com/blog/xen-orchestra-5-79/ #xen #vm #virtualization
#virtualization #VM #xen #vmware #FLOSS
Fantastisk! Et er, at en dansker opfandt håndbold. Men at det også er vores landshold, der EJER sporten – det er fuldstændig uforligneligt! Kæmpe tillykke og tak! #håndbold #vm #danmark #hattrick
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MrMesserschmidt/status/1619811186106855424
#håndbold #VM #Danmark #hattrick
Very interesting read from the #CodeSandbox blog
How we clone a running #VM in 2 seconds (September 2022)
Amongst others, they are using #Firecracker and memory snapshots with Copy-On-Write to achieve this level of #performance
Very interesting and it clearly shows that even very complicated things that require a lot of heavy lifting can be made _blazingly fast_!
There is no excuse for software being slow! Make it #fast!
#ram #memory #softwarequality #fast #performance #firecracker #VM #codesandbox
Share Folder Between Host and Guest System in VirtualBox [Tutorial]
#VM #VirtualBox #virtualmachine #Linux
"En el inicio de estos #16DíasDeActivismo para eliminar la #VM, mi mensaje especial para las mujeres de #Ucrania". @StellaRonner
@eu_eeas #OrangeTheWorld #SayNoStopVAW #EndGBV
RT @StellaRonner: At the start of these #16DaysOfActivism to eliminate #VAW, my special message for women #Ukraine @StefanishynaO @KLevchenkoUKR @MFA_Ukraine @eu_eeas @EUAM_Ukraine @avalaina @MattiMaasikas @EUDelegationUA
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1596940194652880897
#16DíasdeActivismo #VM #Ucrania #orangetheworld #saynostopvaw #endgbv #16DaysOfActivism #VAW #Ukraine
Wer von euch Windowsuser hat Erfahrung mit dem Windows-Subsystem für Linux?
#windows #linux #VM #subsystem
RT @ubuntu@twitter.com
How OpenPrinting keeps old printers working:
1) Install #WSL from the #Microsoft Store
2) Install #Ubuntu in it
3) Add the Printer snap and the #snap with drivers for your old-but-still-functional #printer
4) Point #Windows at the WSL #VM's IP address
#VM #Windows #printer #Snap #Ubuntu #Microsoft #wsl
Kovat ajat taloudessakin edessä; kiihtyvä inflaatio ja niukka kasvu. Vaikka #VM rauhoittelee, ettei ”ylitsepääsemätöntä” , niin pienituloisiin kotitalouksiin voi iskeä ja kovaa. Tukea ostovoiman ylläpitoon tarvitaan kuten @KDpuolue esittänyt. https://www.hs.fi/politiikka/art-2000008749333.html?share=0fd12e9d1dc56123a9f7c975cc029a89
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SariEssayah/status/1514168510871711750
Der #HackValue von #BluRay-Playern scheint mir noch sehr unterschätzt zu sein. Da ist eine #Java-#VM drin und über #BDLive lassen sich Video-Streams aus dem Internet abspielen.
Muss man vielleicht einfach nur die richtige Disk einlegen um YouTube zu schauen, Schach zu spielen oder (ohne App-Installation) vom NAS zu streamen?
#HackValue #bluray #java #VM #BDLive