El lado del mal - Check Azul en Gmail: Cómo conseguir que tus mensajes estén verificados y reducir el riesgo de ser Spam y el Phishing https://www.elladodelmal.com/2023/06/check-azul-en-gmail-como-conseguir-que.html #identidad #Gmail #email #antispam #BIMI #VMC #DMARC #SPF #DKIM #MyPublicInbox
#identidad #gmail #email #antispam #bimi #VMC #dmarc #spf #dkim #mypublicinbox
Here’s a teaser about the Virtual Medicine Center #VMC and our ongoing study integrating #VR for #MRI to reduce anxiety during the scan (in French 😉).
The project springs out of a #collaboration between #epfl, the #HNP at Campus Biotech Geneva, and #HUG, and is lead by Maria Isabel Vargas and Bruno Herbelin. https://pulsations.hug.ch/article/la-medecine-virtuelle-au-chevet-des-malades #medicalXR #VRx
#VMC #vr #mri #collaboration #epfl #hnp #hug #medicalxr #vrx
VMC The Mars Webcam
#VMC Image acquired on 04-11-2022 at an altitude of 8971.54 km above Mars, on #Mars Express orbit number 23798.
Credit: ESA - j. Roger
RT @esaoperations@twitter.com
Did you know Mars has its own orbiting webcam?🔴🤳
Yesterday, the Visual Monitoring Camera #VMC onboard ESA's #MarsExpress took this cool picture of the entire Tharsis plateau with the four largest volcanoes in the solar system!👏👍➡️https://www.flickr.com/photos/esa_marswebcam/50895013976/