@Frau_Mensch Schlechte Raumluft wird auch über schlechte Kleidung generiert. #VOCs
Und der Punkt B lässt sich nahezu kostenlos regeln und trägt zur Zufriedenheit vieler bei. Eltern, Umfeld und künftige Arbeitgeber.
Residents across multiple states notice strange and worrisome new scent in the air: ‘Certainly a health concern’
Story by Erin Feiger, July 18, 2023
"The Weather Network reported recently that in areas of Eastern and Midwestern #Canada and the #UnitedStates where #wildfire #smoke is heaviest, residents have noticed a burnt #plastic smell in the air.
"While this may sound odd, there is a clear reason for smoky skies to smell like a trash fire instead of a campfire.
"Kang Sun, an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo studying the chemistry and physics of the Earth’s atmosphere, explained to The New York Times that when biomass like branches, trees, and leaves burn, they spew volatile organic compounds (#VOCs) into the air.
"When these VOCs are first created, their reaction with the atmosphere causes the campfire smell typically associated with wildfires. As the VOCs linger in the air, however, they interact with ultraviolet (#UV) radiation to create #pollutants like #benzene and #formaldehyde, which smell like burning plastic, as explained by The Weather Network.
"The more wildfires there are, the more smoke and toxic chemicals there will be in the air, which can have negative effects on the health of both humans and animals."
#canada #unitedstates #wildfire #smoke #plastic #VOCs #uv #pollutants #benzene #formaldehyde
Living with #VOCs and #SCCPs in your #home
Enabling accurate and early #detection of recently emerged #SARS-CoV-2 #VOCs in #wastewater https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38184-3
#detection #sars #VOCs #wastewater
More than 5,000 tons of #toxic #chemicals released from consumer products every year inside Californian homes, workplaces.
#VOCs #environment #pollution #airpollution #ozone #California #health
#toxic #chemicals #VOCs #environment #pollution #airpollution #ozone #california #health
Comparative #Aerosol and #Surface #Stability of #SARS-CoV-2 #VOCs, https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/29/5/22-1752_article
#aerosol #surface #stability #sars #VOCs
We did a thing:
Working on the interactions of #plants and #insects, particularly floral #VolatileOrganicCompounds (#VOCs )?
Interested in adding a #macroevolution -ary perspective with the help of #phylogenetics ?
Perhaps our #review and #guide could serve as a good entry-point!
With Breanna Sipley, Mariana Braga, Yan Yang, Roberto Rebollo, and Pengjuan Zu. Check them out for more exciting stuff!
#evolution #ecology #methods #pollination #herbivore #coevolution
#plants #insects #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #macroevolution #phylogenetics #review #guide #Evolution #ecology #methods #pollination #herbivore #coevolution
I'll do a real #Introduction later. Have some random hashtags instead:
But also:
#introduction #AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #StableIsotopes #StableIsotopeGeochemistry #AirSensors #AirQuality #AirPollution #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #ClumpAllTheThings #Methane #GreenhouseGases #SulfurMIF #Photochemistry #Formaldehyde #HCHO #MassSpectrometry #GasChromatography #Spectroscopy #pfas #Ozone #NitrogenDioxide #NAAQS #AirToxics #KORUSAQ #UWFPS #LMOS #LISTOS #LongIslandSound2023 #MIT #Neurodiversity #DisabilityJustice