Updated "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)" so it now uses hugo.WorkingDir, which is available in the recently released Hugo v0.112.0
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #URLs #URL #URIScheme #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #urischeme #url #urls #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Soft launched "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)"
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Because I use #Hugo bundles and what's unique about what I'm editing is the folder name rather than the file name (usually index.adoc for me), I've set the #VSCode Window Title to
#byא #bynm #VSC #code #gohugo #note2self #n2s #tip #vscode #hugo
That sound very concerning (and the PoC extension still "available" on the marktplace.): "VSCode Marketplace can be abused to host malicious extensions"(1).
"AquaSec didn't just prove it's possible to mimic popular extensions on VSCode Marketplace but also found suspicious examples already uploaded to the marketplace."
"Two of these extension [...] exhibited very concerning behavior, sending HTTP requests to the external robotnowai[.]top URL every 30 seconds and executing the response using the "eval()" function."
That could turn into a huge attack on developers.
#hacking #VSC #vscode #bleepingcomputer
#VSC ist ein Spiel, mit dem Du die Consumer- und Pro-Slotcar-Rennumgebung genau simulieren kannst. Spiele im Einzel- oder Mehrspielermodus, passe Autos vollständig an, erstellen eigenen Strecken und fahre mit bis zu 8 Spielern mit Geschwindigkeiten von über 70 km/h Rennen.