Popularising Complexity thinking in Teams/Orgs => Adapting to the Complexity faced
In the past an org may have prevalently experienced one dynamic. Today orgs face a range of dynamics that fluctuate over time between the boundaries of Order & Chaos, wander in Complexity and may spill into Chaos.
So the ability to constantly sense and adapt is crucial.
Related practices here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #Sense #Adapt #VUCA #Book #eBook
#ebook #book #VUCA #adapt #sense #humancomplexity #complexity
Popularising Complexity thinking in Teams/Organisations => Assessing the Complexity to inform the adaptation
Is the work the team is doing facing an Ordered, Unordered/Complex or Chaotic dynamic? Is it close to the boundary of Order, to the boundary of Chaos?
Such info will inform the adaptation (of WoW etc) and will avoid personal bias.
Related practices are here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #Sense #Adapt #VUCA #Book #eBook
#ebook #book #VUCA #adapt #sense #humancomplexity #complexity
Popularising Complexity thinking in Teams/Organisations => Human Self-organisation, how to thrive outside determinism & reductionism.
A self-organising system left alone can produce a disaster as well as a big win, how to orient it? Heve 5 models, 21 kontrol knobs and an holistic approach
Related practices are here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #Determinism #Redutionism #Human #SelfOrganisation #VUCA #Book #eBook
#ebook #book #VUCA #selforganisation #human #redutionism #determinism #humancomplexity #complexity
✂️(thread 3/3)
ORG - all orgs live in a complex/VUCA world; what each one does and its market may be more or less complex; their structure and actions allow them to cope and exploit complexity or just barely endure it.
All the related practices are documented here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #VUCA #Practices #SelfOrganisation #SelfManagement #CAS #Agility #Book #eBooks
#eBooks #book #agility #cas #selfmanagement #selforganisation #practices #VUCA #humancomplexity #complexity
🧶 (thread 2/3)
WORK - Some of it may start at the edge of chaos, some around the boundary between the complex and the complicated, some deep in the complex domain and some can be simple, obvious. Different challenges call for different approaches.
All the related practices are documented here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #VUCA #Practices #SelfOrganisation #SelfManagement #CAS #Agility #Book #eBooks
#eBooks #book #agility #cas #selfmanagement #selforganisation #practices #VUCA #humancomplexity #complexity
🧶(thread 1/3) Popularising Complexity thinking in Teams/Organisations=> 3-region map of Human Complexity inspired practices:
WE-In ambiguity, uncertainty, change and crises, we manage to live our lives forward without knowing the future. We solve everyday paradoxes like mixed conflicting emotions.
More here => https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPPSXXBT & https://leanpub.com/livingcomplexity/
#Complexity #HumanComplexity #VUCA #Practices #SelfOrganisation #SelfManagement #CAS #Agility #Book #eBooks
#eBooks #book #agility #cas #selfmanagement #selforganisation #practices #VUCA #humancomplexity #complexity
Wozu ist #Kirche da und wie kann sie der #VUCA -Welt begegnen? Mit Neugier, beschreibt Maria Herrmann in ihrem Blog: https://maerys.medium.com/kirche-wozu-6a2b73c73374
Und sie hat Recht: ohne wird's nicht gehen. Ihren Platz in der Welt müssen kirchliche Gemeinschaften neu entdecken und das geht nur mit Neugier.
#rechurch #kirchenzukunft #VUCA #kirche
#buzzword of the day: #vuca. Short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
Donut know, listened to a podcast about #businessanalysis and was mentioned several times. West too often for 30 minutes episode.
And rather live in a wookie world than on a vuca world 😉
#buzzword #VUCA #businessanalysis #starwars
RT @thomas_dettling
◼️We have to get away from "command & control". From the thinking, acting and behavior of managers who were successful with it yesterday. It no longer fits the times. "You can never solve problems with the same mindset that caused them." #VUCA #NewWork #Culture #ServantLeadership https://t.co/NHR5VhVJJU
#VUCA #newwork #culture #ServantLeadership
RT @BV_Buerohund
Unser Chef hat eine These:
Wir befinden uns gerade in einem historischen Wandel unserer (Arbeits)Welt. #VUCA
Veränderungen machen vielen Menschen Angst.
Angst führt in vielen Fällen zu Stress.
Dauerhafter Stress gefährdet die #psychischeGesundheit.