Undertakers kept busy with abnormally high numbers of Aussies dying. “'We certainly have seen a distinct shift back to people in their 60s, 50s and even late or mid 40s and even younger.” #vaccinatieschade #oversterfte https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11133519/Undertakers-kept-busy-abnormally-high-numbers-Aussies-dying-not-just-Covid.html
#oversterfte #VaccinatieSchade
Undertakers kept busy with abnormally high numbers of Aussies dying. “'We certainly have seen a distinct shift back to people in their 60s, 50s and even late or mid 40s and even younger.” #vaccinatieschade #oversterfte https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11133519/Undertakers-kept-busy-abnormally-high-numbers-Aussies-dying-not-just-Covid.html
#oversterfte #VaccinatieSchade
This is what the end of a filament or nanotube looks like and it is actually moving under the microscope. #Morgellonsdisease, the real pandemic!. Destructive #GrapheneOxide, #grafeenoxide in the 'mRna-vaccins'. Huidproblemen = #vaccinatieschade
#VaccinatieSchade #grafeenoxide #GrapheneOxide #Morgellonsdisease
This is what the end of a filament or nanotube looks like and it is actually moving under the microscope. #Morgellonsdisease, the real pandemic!. Destructive #GrapheneOxide, #grafeenoxide in the 'mRna-vaccins'. Huidproblemen = #vaccinatieschade
#VaccinatieSchade #grafeenoxide #GrapheneOxide #Morgellonsdisease
#autoimmuunziekte #VaccinatieSchade
Spike Protein From Infection and shots Contributing to Autoimmune Diseases, Studies Suggest https://theepochtimes.com/spike-protein-from-infection-and-vaccines-contributing-to-autoimmune-diseases-studies-suggest_4735518.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=tw&rs=SHRFZRWL
#VaccinatieSchade #autoimmuunziekte
#autoimmuunziekte #VaccinatieSchade
Spike Protein From Infection and shots Contributing to Autoimmune Diseases, Studies Suggest https://theepochtimes.com/spike-protein-from-infection-and-vaccines-contributing-to-autoimmune-diseases-studies-suggest_4735518.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=tw&rs=SHRFZRWL
#VaccinatieSchade #autoimmuunziekte
Wat een ranzig trending topic weer, #VaccinatieSchade. Er zijn bijwerkingen, soms ook ernstige, waardoor er inmiddels is gestopt met AZ en Janssen. "Natuurlijke" immuniteitsopbouw levert gegarandeerd meer schade en doden op. Enige alternatief is een keiharde wereldwijde lockdown.