Po zwycięstwie JE Ludwika Ignacego da Silva ksywka "Lula" całkowita zmiana polityki: p.Jair Bolsonaro groził więzieniem każdemu gubernatorowi, który spróbuje wprowadzić lockdown lub przymus szczepień - obecnie będzie więzienie za brak szczepienia: "PFIZER" ma nowy ogromy rynek.
RT @NomorWhitey: New laws in Brazil will jail anyone who correctly states Phizer Chief Albert Borla is lying when he claims his injections are 100% effective.
#VaccineDeaths #DiedSuddendly…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JkmMikke/status/1649864398205489152
Please support this important petition - there are many, but this one is vital for so many - please sign 👇
RT @MaxSH2022: Today, I launched a petition calling on the UK Government to change the compensation model towards Covid-19 vaccine injury and death.
Victims need real support NOW!
Please SIGN and RETWEET!
#VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JamesfWells/status/1606003118323290112
#VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths
RT @jfpoisson78: C'est énorme !!!! La vérité sortira un jour ! #VaccineDeaths #VaccineSideEffects #Vax
#VaccineDeaths #VaccineSideEffects #vax
Souvent je pense au Professeur Montagnier, à cet acharnement contre lui parce qu’il a pris une autre position face aux vaccins #Covid_19 et à cette phrase « les non-vaccinés sauveront l’humanité ».
Une phrase à méditer cet été ?
#Covid_19 #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #monkeypox