COVID No Longer 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated', WebMD, Nov. 27, 2022:"For the first time, the majority of people dying from COVID-19 in America have been vaccinated.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis, told The Washington Post."
#WebMD #Covid19Vaccines #SafeAndEffective #VaccineEfficacy #NurseUp #Unvaccinated #VaccineHesitancy #WaningImmunity #Covid19Immunity
#Covid19Immunity #WaningImmunity #vaccinehesitancy #Unvaccinated #NurseUp #VaccineEfficacy #safeandeffective #COVID19vaccines #WebMD
12 MILLION PEOPLE! - Vaxxed Americans Report Major Side Effects, and Question Efficacy, Rasmussen Reports, Dec 7, 2022:"
#VaccineSideEffects #AdverseReactions #Covid19Vaccines #SafeAndEffective #VaccineEfficacy #Rasmussen #VaccineInjuries #VaccineInjury #NurseUp #Unvaccinated #VaccineHesitancy
#vaccinehesitancy #Unvaccinated #NurseUp #VaccineInjury #vaccineinjuries #Rasmussen #VaccineEfficacy #safeandeffective #COVID19vaccines #adversereactions #vaccinesideeffects
95% #VaccineEfficacy is a #TotalFraud in the real world, actually increases risk of death
95% #VaccineEfficacy is a #TotalFraud in the real world, actually increases risk of death