@apontious Conditions in #Vaesen are pretty serious - you lose a die on all physical/mental rolls depending on the pushed skill until it's healed. I find that my players tend not to want to push rolls unless it's really serious stuff and/or they know they can recover quickly.
Ooh, I like the idea of "Consqeuences" in #Vaesen.
So many times in D&D, you roll Investigation or Perception and fail, and the adventure grinds to a halt because you actually really needed that information.
Vaesen says, GM can give you that information even on a failed roll, but there will be, you guessed it….consequences.
I'm going to use that even when I'm not playing Vaesen.
Gonna be playing some #Vaesen tonight. Trouble with looking up that hashtag on here is that most of the posts are in German. 😂
Guckt mal, was für ne geile Laterne ich mir zum (unter anderem) #Vaesen-Spielen besorge. #pnpde #Rollenspiel
Um mal etwas positives zu berichten:
Ich habe nach einigen Monaten auf der Lauer heute das Buch „Sagen aus dem Landkreis Roth“ von Robert Unterburger in der Bucht geschossen. Für nen Zwanni. Bisher lagen die Preise im antiquarischen Bereich bei mindestens dem Doppelten bis zum 5-fachen.
Es war das letzte regionale Sagenbuch, dass ich für meine fränkische #Vaesen aka Wesn-Kampagne noch gesucht habe.
Sortiere mir gerade meinen alten #Logseq-Krams in einzelne Graphen und fange an, wieder zu bearbeiten.
Ich hab inzwischen Graphen für die #Dämmerwald-Runde, das kommende #Valland-Projekt mit @HeyeBodo , @greenspindle und @Morgunin und meine kommende #Vaesen-Duett-Runde.
#logseq #dammerwald #valland #Vaesen #pnode #rollenspiel
Peter Gundry – Master of Death
🎶👻 Der Stil schwebt mir für #Vaesen vor, der Gundry macht echt cooles, unheimliches Zeugs.
@Aeneas Weiter positiv und noch Erkältungssymptome, aber es wird besser. Lese #Vaesen und schaue #StrangeNewWorlds, gerade bin ich länger spazieren. Wird.
Danke, Dude. 🤜🏻🤛🏻
23) COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Have to catch up, because I spent so much time thinking about this yesterday and couldn’t decide. There’s so many incredibly cool looking games out there. #Vaesen, #FateForge, #Symbaroum, #Numenera, #CYBorg, #MörkBorg, the #OSE boxed sets, etc.
I’m going to go with #TheOneRing, though. The art direction for both is different, but I think they’re both equally cool in their own way. They capture the essence of Tolkien and are beautiful books.
#rpgaday2023 #Vaesen #Fateforge #symbaroum #numenera #cyborg #morkborg #OSE #TheOneRing
I just bought this today.
#Vaesen #FreeLeague #TTRPG #RPG #HorrorRPG #Scandinavia #19thCentury #JohanEgerkrans
#Vaesen #FreeLeague #ttrpg #rpg #horrorrpg #scandinavia #19thcentury #johanegerkrans
#rpgaday2023 day 16
Games you wished you owned.
There are so many games I wish I owned and for which I don't have space on my shelves.
The latest one that I might still buy is #Vaesen.
I played a one-shot recently and really liked the dark atmosphere and focus on character dark secrets.
What's your game you wished you owned?
Any long-term experience with Vaesen?
#rpgaday2023 #Vaesen #rpg #ttrpg #rollenspiel
Der erste Schwung ist da und es sieht sooo schön aus 🥰 #vaesen #pnp #penandpaper
@grahamw I prefer an approach where the "mystery" is just a situation that has hidden aspects that aren't immediately obvious coming in. It doesn't exist to be solved, it's just not clear what's going on. Also having a specific goal like "escape" or "stop this awful thing happening" over "solve a mystery" - knowing what is going on will likely help you, but it's a means to an end.
This is how I am running #Vaesen at the moment and I think a lot of its existing scenarios fit into that too.
Just catching up on the Ennies & saw that Vaesen Mythic Britain & Ireland scooped 4 golds, so congratulations to @GraemeDavis & the @freeleaguepub team!
why not have a read of our interview with Graeme & see why both Vaesen’s one of our favourite recent TTRPGs & that Mr Davis was just the right man for this book of occult mystery on these most haunted shores
El proyecto estrella que, todavía no, pero algún año llevaré a cabo es comprar #Vaesen y usar Mitología dels Països Catalans de Daniel Rangil preciosamente ilustrado por Laia Baldevey para crear una partida con folklore cercano y criaturas que "podrían salirte" en el bosque de tu pueblo.
No sé cuando, pero lo haré. 💪
@HeyeBodo oha. Danke für den Hinweis, das habe ich nicht gewusst. Mache mich mal schlau, denn da sind schon nette Dinge drin. Ja… meine Wunschliste an zu spielenden oder leitenden Spielen ist ellenlang: #bladesinthedark #Vaesen #Coriolis #forbiddenlands und und und… das reicht bis zum Altersheim 😀
#bladesinthedark #Vaesen #Coriolis #forbiddenlands
First #RPG ever? #DasSchwarzeAuge / #RheDarkEye, 1984.
First RPG this year? #dresdenfilesrpg / @evilhat
First new RPG this year? #Vaesen, last week.
#rpg #dasschwarzeauge #rhedarkeye #dresdenfilesrpg #Vaesen #rpgaday2023
Un petit fil 🧶 sur les #JdR que j'aimerai jouer ou meujeuter 🎲 #TenCandles #Vaesen #Fleaux! #Noc #VampireLaMascarade #Shiver
#jdr #tencandles #Vaesen #fleaux #Noc #vampirelamascarade #shiver