@3dogcouch @gimulnautti @DidiQ Organize better. Very easy to say, but how can we organize if we don’t have a leader. The #DLCC pulled out of Florida a while ago. There is no #FloridaDemocraticParty. We had #ValDemmings, a great contender for Senator running against Marco, I only take photo ops, Rubio. But the national Democratic Party wouldn’t fund her. So now our 2,Senators are Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, former CEO of HCA who bilked Medicare out of 1.7 billion dollars.
#ValDemmings #floridademocraticparty #dlcc
#BlueWave #Voteblue11/8/23
#gretchenwitmer #DanaNessel #Jocelynbenson #debbiedingell #WarnockForSenate #ValDemmings #Markkelly #Johnfetterman #stacyabrams
#StacyAbrams #JohnFetterman #markkelly #ValDemmings #WarnockForSenate #debbiedingell #jocelynbenson #DanaNessel #gretchenwitmer #voteblue11 #bluewave