Woh. Hey. I forgot to post these for Valentines day didn't I? And no, I do not have have a tragic heart break in my past.
#ValentinesDay #valentines
#ValentinesDay #valentines #bloody #gore
Valentine's Day and White Day posts are all over social media today! 💝 #ValentinesDay #WhiteDay #Japan #anime #videogames https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-14&topic=バレンタイン
#videogames #Anime #Japan #whiteday #ValentinesDay
🎧 ✍️ I wear headphones by default at my desk.
In the last hour, I've gotten 20-ish "blerps"—the sound a new notification makes if you opt in, and of course I did.
But when I checked me "noti's, (several times), nothing.
▶️ Not good for a bi-polar, major-anxiety + PTSD-having mild schizophrenic is it?
"It makes me wonder how I keep from going under"
Notification were set to "Mentions" wunnit. 😂
Here's one of a dozen variations of a supermarket rose I shot #ValentinesDay morning.
My Valentines Day present came in from my beloved gave me. #ValentinesDay #love #album #recordplayer
#recordplayer #album #love #ValentinesDay
#History #Venezuela #StrayKids #Felix #ValentinesDay #Valentines On this Valentines Day, Venezuelans are remembering José Félix Ribas and celebrating the release of content relating to Stray Kids' Felix Lee 💛 https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-15&topic=Felix
#valentines #ValentinesDay #Felix #StrayKids #Venezuela #History
RT @focusonparis
Sweet surprise: delicate heart-shaped #raspberry cream pastry w/rose petal #ValentinesDay #saintvalentin #HappyValentinesDay2023 #frenchpastry @etherealspirits http://www.focusonparis.com
#frenchpastry #happyvalentinesday2023 #saintvalentin #ValentinesDay #Raspberry
En el día de #sanvalentin se organizo una rodada que sin querer queriendo fue como recorrer todos los hoteles y moteles de Tlalpan 🤭 😅 #MejorEnBici #RWGPS #valentinesday #CDMX #BikeTooter
#biketooter #cdmx #ValentinesDay #rwgps #mejorenbici #sanvalentin
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for humans. Cheers to celebrating with someone who gets you. #ValentinesDay #Photography #Nature #bahamas #iguana #sandybeach #vacation #couples #feedmegrapes
#feedmegrapes #couples #vacation #sandybeach #iguana #bahamas #Nature #Photography #ValentinesDay
Yesterday, Associated Press published a story, "Love blossoms in Serbia between Ukrainian, Russian 'enemies,'" to mark #ValentinesDay, the day of love. We explain why "love amid war" narrative is harmful and insulting to Ukrainians while helpful for russian propaganda 🧵 (1/8)
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/RubrykaEng/status/1625852227817721863
Yesterdays valentine´s movies was
"Dellamorte Dellamore" aka "Cemetery Man" (1994) - an italian horror film with comedic tone like "Evil Dead 2" and "Braindead" by Michele Soavi ("Stage Fright").
The film was edited by Franco Fraticelli, who used to work for Dario Argento on films like "Deep Red" and "Suspiria".
#ValentinesDay #filmastodon #horror
所有标签中,最热门的是 #valentinesday ,流行指数54.62。
新标签中,最热门的是 #ろぐぼチャレンジ ,流行指数7.00。
流行指数计算公式为标签流行星球数与单一星球最多使用该标签的用户数的平衡结果(F1 Score)。
#ろぐぼチャレンジ #ValentinesDay #今日宇宙流行趋势
Not surprised tennis players keep getting divorced. Love means nothing to them.
https://punsandoneliners.com/randomness/valentines-day-jokes/ #Jokes #ValentinesDay #Valentine #ValentinesDay2023 #DadJokes
#jokes #ValentinesDay #valentine #valentinesday2023 #dadjokes
Went to a restaurant last night with my wife. Chap said "Do you have reservations?". I said "Yes, the food is probably overcooked and bland"
https://punsandoneliners.com/randomness/valentines-day-jokes/ #Jokes #ValentinesDay #Valentine #ValentinesDay2023 #DadJokes
#jokes #ValentinesDay #valentine #valentinesday2023 #dadjokes
A friend replaced his bed with a trampoline without telling his partner. She hit the roof.
https://punsandoneliners.com/randomness/valentines-day-jokes/ #Jokes #ValentinesDay #Valentine #ValentinesDay2023 #DadJokes
#jokes #ValentinesDay #valentine #valentinesday2023 #dadjokes
Friend of mine had a girlfriend called Arial for a while, but they split up. She just wasn’t his type.
https://punsandoneliners.com/randomness/valentines-day-jokes/ #Jokes #ValentinesDay #Valentine #ValentinesDay2023 #DadJokes
#jokes #ValentinesDay #valentine #valentinesday2023 #dadjokes
Shine bright this Valentine's Day! Spread some love, no matter the occasion. #LoveIsLove #ValentinesDay #SpreadLove https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-15&topic=Valentine’s Day
#spreadlove #ValentinesDay #LoveIsLove
#BoyzIIMen on #TheLateShow have me howling. 😆 😆 😆
#ValentinesDay #thelateshow #boyziimen
#HappyValentinesDay to all of my mutuals on this Mammoth Site. I hope you all had a wonderful day and were celebrated by your loved ones!
#BlackMastodon #blackfediverse #love #ValentinesDay #happyvalentinesday