Ugh, I hate data caps and #Steam is refusing to do local file transfers from my #SteamDeck I've already checked my router/AP to ensure that nothing is getting blocked but nothing seems to work. Same wireless SSID, on the same wired network. Can't figure it out.
#pcgaming #Valve #Gaming #SteamDeck #steam
Yeah, I'm gonna play #Starfield on #Linux , so what?
It's just better. #Fightme
#OpenSource #pcgaming #gaming #SteamDeck #valve #microsoft #unpopularopinion
#unpopularopinion #Microsoft #Valve #SteamDeck #Gaming #pcgaming #OpenSource #fightme #Linux #starfield
@gamingonlinux seriously, #WontBuy until #Valve fixes their lack of support!
Everybody's so excited for the #SteamDeck 2, but I for one really hope #Valve takes their time with it to get everything right cuz we all know damn well there won't be a #SteamDeck 3 :brian:
@Jain @hackernews Well, the current versions do.
I still remember the original #SteamOS one could download from #Valve's website and that was basically a rebranded @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS...
Also that is consistent with how #Microsoft deals with toxic players on #XboxLive where they - like #Valve in #CSGO - will #mute or at least #ShadowBan said players from #Chat.
Case in point: If one doesn't leave their toxicity in the containment tgat is #2b2t, they don't have a right to complain when #Mojang pulls the plug on them if they go full #StreamSniping on regular #Vanilla players...
It sadly had #CollateralDamage i.e. #MaxiTaxi getting yeeted too.
#maxitaxi #collateraldamage #vanilla #streamsniping #mojang #2b2t #Chat #shadowban #mute #CSGO #Valve #xboxlive #Microsoft
Ok guys, I think I finished my e-mail to #Valve inviting them into the #Fediverse. :ablobcatbongo: Please take a look at it and tell me if I missed anything or did something wrong.
I personally am very happy with it! :blobhappy:
#FollowerPower @askfedi :boost_requested:
tagging @stux @catraxx @voidedmain @gamingonlinux @Jain @jacksonchen666 @gunchleoc
#FollowerPower #Fediverse #Valve
I am searching for #example #accounts for my e-mail to #Valve to invite them into the #Fediverse! Obviously accounts with topics like Gaming, Linux, Steam (Deck), etc. would fit in. But really any other notable accounts (that consent to it) will be great!
#FollowerPower @askfedi :boost_requested:
#FollowerPower #Fediverse #Valve #accounts #example
Ok guys, I just got the idea of contacting #Valve, to invite them to join the Fedi. This is my current draft - what do you think? What have I missed?
@dioramic_life I mean, #Microsoft also added Support for #USB #Storage with a simple #Update of the #Xbox360's OS...
So it stands to reason that #Valve could not only do the same for #SteamOS...
Just allowing people to plug it in and then go into "Settings" -> "Storage" and just select it with the option to format it and the warning that it'll erase the contents if one chooses to do so.
#steamos #Valve #xbox360 #Update #storage #USB #Microsoft
And yes, I think #Valve should fix this on the #SteamDeck, since there is no excuse to handle #Storage worse than the #Xbox360 did, which nowadays just accepts any media up to 2TB via USB 2.0 and just allows formatting it.
You may not hot-swap said drives, but it supports using basically anything from a shitty flashdrive to an obnoxiously loud 10.000rpm HDD up to a modern SSD in a USB enclosure...
#xbox360 #storage #SteamDeck #Valve
I'm saying that #Valve is the #LesserOfAllEvils. My #SteamDeck was broken from the start. Thank the #Middleware known as #Steam for that. As soon as you quit steam, the touchpads will stop working, you can no longer move your mouse on the screen in #DesktopMode.
They do spend real money on #Proton but it benefits them. They wouldn't do it if it didn't benefit them.
Still its a good thing they do spend the actual money and that #OpenSource gets #funded.
#lesserofallevils #funded #OpenSource #proton #desktopmode #steam #middleware #SteamDeck #Valve
#LimitedAccounts on #Steam can't use #SteamLink while a #sale is currently ongoing.
Got it #Valve! I hope your sale will be over soon so I can use my deck again! With a #keyboard and #mouse of course.
#mouse #keyboard #Valve #sale #steamlink #steam #limitedaccounts
#LimitedAccounts on #Steam can't use #SteamLink while a #sale is currently ongoing.
Got it #Valve! I hope your sale will be over soon so I can use my deck again!
#Valve #sale #steamlink #steam #limitedaccounts
#SteamDB is a #private service unrelated to #Steam and neither #Valve.
They can make their own decisions regarding how they'll protect their site, ie. #AntiDDOS protection which hampers #WaybackMachine but that's cool.
They provide a service to people who are interested in Steam and that's enough.
#waybackmachine #antiddos #Valve #steam #private #SteamDB
The #SteamDeck is not a #WalledGarden but it includes elements of it and #AntiFeatures like the #touchpads stop working if you quit the #Steam application.
This #UnderminesTheSuccessOfSteamDeck. Seriously even a #stupid #Laptop with #Linux on it has their #touchpads working while on SteamDeck they don't work because #Valve destroy their own device by removing features.
The company is not as smart as we once thought. They have somebody in there who have #NoIdea about #GoodDesign.
#gooddesign #NoIdea #Valve #Linux #Laptop #stupid #underminesthesuccessofsteamdeck #steam #touchpads #antifeatures #walledgarden #SteamDeck
I'm not a fanboi, but I sure am a fan of good customer service #Valve #SteamDeck
Today #SteamLink reported these two IPs being problematic on their end:
I hope #Valve fixes these issues soon