Doug Webb · @douginamug
786 followers · 6885 posts · Server

I've been happily using for months now, very impressed.

They maintain , a hardened fork. Sadly both lack the option to put search at the bottom, year old feature request:

Big shout out to team for creating the attached comparison tables! Seems like and are most all-round secure & private mobile browsers.

#grapheneos #Vanadium #chromium #DivestOS #bromite #brave

Last updated 1 year ago

Antho nie :unverified: · @anthonycgnt
39 followers · 1043 posts · Server

The thing is that I use multiple browsers to separate each activities 😅
Basically :
- for quick searches
- for shopping
- for persistent searches

being awesome on PC but way top slow on Android 😬

#firefox #Vanadium #brave #ddg

Last updated 1 year ago

Thierry Bayoud · @thierrybayoud
310 followers · 562 posts · Server

Anecdotique ? Il faut excaver en moyenne un kilo de roche pour pouvoir extraire 120 milligrammes de vanadium, l'une des terres rares indispensables à nos technologies « vertes » et numériques.

#Vanadium #ecologie #anecdotique #terresrares #pollution

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
593 followers · 5643 posts · Server

We can at least make good use of the Vanadium we already have. And yes, this a press release -- but I've been following the progress of Vanadium Flow batteries for over 10 years and I've seen a tremendous amount of progress in perfecting the technology.

2021: U.S. Successfully Recycles Electrolyte From Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries at a 97% Recovery Rate

"Because of their nearly unlimited energy storage capacity, high efficiency, zero emissions, very long cycle lives, and relatively low cost of available electricity on a lifecycle basis, VRFB energy storage systems are enabling consumers to utilize energy systems for 100% of their actual power needs without having to rely on renewable energy credits and other accounting offsets.

“'VRFB technologies are key to the U.S. and other nations in moving closer to truly 100% grid-level renewable energy power generation systems,' said Mark A. Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Hot Springs, Ark.-based U.S. Vanadium.

"Against a background of increasingly prevalent waste disposal issues faced by -ion batteries, VRFBs have the important benefit of its liquid electrolyte being nearly 100% . Vanadium electrolyte, and its ability to be recycled for continuing use, is considered to be a key advantage for the technology that is expected lead to increased worldwide adoption of VRFBs as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries."

#Vanadium #renewable #lithium #recyclable #Solar #renewablesnow

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
593 followers · 5641 posts · Server

redox flow batteries can provide cheap, large-scale grid energy storage. Here's how they work

by James Purtill, February 2023

"The rise of energy has exposed a new problem: energy storage.

" and wind can generate very cheap electricity, but they're intermittent. For entire grids to run on renewables, enormous amounts of storage are needed to avoid blackouts.

"The two main options, pumped hydro and -ion batteries, each have their drawbacks, such as high costs [and pollution].

"Fortunately, there may be a third option."

#Vanadium #renewable #Solar #lithium

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
593 followers · 5641 posts · Server


redox flow batteries can provide cheap, large-scale grid energy storage. Here's how they work

"The rise of renewable energy has exposed a new problem: energy storage.

"Solar and wind can generate very cheap electricity, but they're intermittent. For entire grids to run on renewables, enormous amounts of storage are needed to avoid blackouts.

"The two main options, pumped hydro and lithium-ion batteries, each have their drawbacks, such as high costs.

Fortunately, there may be a third option."


Last updated 1 year ago

Christian Vogel · @cv_vogel
5 followers · 4 posts · Server

Beamtime @esrfsynchrotron: What is the oxidation state of and in ashes? We will find the answer @ID26 in . @BAMResearch

#grenoble #beamline #waste2energy #Vanadium #antimony

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian Vogel · @cv_vogel
7 followers · 10 posts · Server

Beamtime @esrfsynchrotron: What is the oxidation state of and in ashes? We will find the answer @ID26 in . @BAMResearch

#grenoble #beamline #waste2energy #Vanadium #antimony

Last updated 2 years ago

Leonard/Janis Robert König · @ljrk
156 followers · 8931 posts · Server

@dekkzz78 Yeah, I hope something like from the people behind will re-appear then. My issue with FF is that it unfortunately has far less strict sandboxing, especially on Linux :(

#Hexavelent #GraphenOS #Vanadium

Last updated 2 years ago

francks · @francks
233 followers · 6099 posts · Server
Rev Herag · @herag
274 followers · 4282 posts · Server

I have 3 www browsers on my phone because I can't decide which one to use.

by GrapheneOS

Fennec is the only one I don't actually like. But I keep it because I keep finding passwords saved there that I don't have in yet.

#pass #fennec #privacybrowser #Vanadium

Last updated 3 years ago