And singing "Foxxx on a bridge..." #vanderwild
RT @jeffvandermeer
What do YOU need today?! How about FOX ON A BRIDGE. Yes, that's right. Fox. On. A. Bridge... You're welcome. Don't say I never give you anything, weirdos. #VanderWild
RT @jeffvandermeer
I'm like the truffle pig of invasive air potato. No matter where lurks the tuber, I find it and dig it up. And yet it is my least marketable skill and never mentioned in blurbs for my books. #VanderWild
Question for #VanderWild followers & other #nature watchers: I would like to get a #TrailCam setup for my spouse’s birthday. Ideally they’d be good for both night & day, and rugged enough for #Maine weather. Suggestions? TYIA!
#maine #trailcam #nature #VanderWild
Whoa! Gray fox in the ravine/yard now! So now we have both red foxes and gray foxes using this wooded green space as a corridor. #VanderWild
Leaving the trail cams out for a long period paid off--earlier this month, a bobcat used the ravine as a corridor going somewhere else. Kinda like deer do sometimes. No footage since. #VanderWild
We're building an audience for the #VanderWild YouTube Channel and our director over there, Matt Gauding, has put together an epic 41-minute video of VanderWild Critters, set to music. Watch it, listen to it in the backdrop, mute it, whatever. Thanks.
New fox in the ravine! Jaunty juvenile, very healthy, appeared to score a tree rat last night. #VanderWild
This area may not look like much but it's a line of azaleas and evergreen blueberry bushes w/ layers to street of elephant's foot, soft rush, frogfruit, periscoping groundsel, sunshine mimosa, blue-eyed + purple-eyed grass, poppy mallow etc. In spring... gonna be wow. #VanderWild
Figuring out how to use this. Was very annoyed at the huge hashtag usage here at first but I’m realizing it’s going to be a lot easier to build a new timeline this way
#books #greenenergy #energy #wingspan #boardgames #vanderwild #woodworking #birding #MMN #calpoly #scifi #math #ecology #spacepod
#books #greenenergy #energy #wingspan #boardgames #VanderWild #woodworking #birding #mmn #CalPoly #SciFi #math #ecology #SpacePod
OMG! Our House Owl at dawn just flew magnificently by the dining room window and alighted once more upon their favorite tree by the front door, all floofed out! Then promptly fell asleep. Going on ten days now they're our guard owl. #VanderWild
What do YOU need this morning?! How about almost two minutes of these siblings meeting up and remembering how they used to play as babies. Just a magnificent wrestling match. Lots of advanced technique. LOL. This one's special--never seen anything quite like it. #VanderWild
What is joy and where do you find it in this world? If this baby raccoon from last night isn't joyful, happy, contented, I don't know anyone who is. #VanderWild