@colorblindcowboy. I haven't researched it myself, but here is one article by the wonderful ER #doctor at #Vanderbilt, Wesley Ely author of Every Deep-Drawn Breath. https://www.statnews.com/2023/02/16/the-haunting-brain-science-of-long-covid/ Would you like me to contact some people I know and see about getting you more references?
My #Vanderbilt colleague Brian Heuser opines eloquently on the challenges of our chancellor’s stance on “principled neutrality” in the face of a truly toxic political landscape — and calls for Vanderbilt to do better
And the worst 5:
1. #Oklahoma - 0.571 yards/play
2. #OklahomaState - 1.33
3. #California - 1.56
4. #Missouri - 1.62
5. #Vanderbilt - 2.44
#Oklahoma #OklahomaState #California #missouri #Vanderbilt
Je suis professeur de #droit et de #français à l'université #Vanderbilt à #Nashville. Je m'intéresse à la propriété intellectuelle #pi, à l'intelligence artificielle #IA, à la gestion collective #CMOs et au rôle des auteur-e-s.
#droit #français #Vanderbilt #nashville #pi #ia #CMOs #introductions
Hello Mastodon,
I am a #lawprof who teaches #AI law and ethics and #IP law at #Vanderbilt University #VLS. I have written mostly about international IP & @tradelaw, and the #TRIPSAgreement.
Most of my law review articles are here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=365485
Also, a fiction writer (more on that soon).
#lawprof #ai #ip #Vanderbilt #VLS #TRIPSAgreement #introductions
Just when you think it can't get any crazier... #Vanderbilt #TransBuddies
Just when you think it can't get any crazier... #Vanderbilt #TransBuddies
Quick reintroduction. I am the social media handle for the #Evolutionary #Studies Initiative at #Vanderbilt #University. We are a cross-disciplinary group including but certainly not limited to #anthropologists, #biologists, #chemists, #ecologists, #geneticists, #paleontologists, and #psychologists. A couple recent non-biology examples: an English professor that studied the use of the term genetics in TV and movies through 100 years, a law professor applying evolutionary theory to law
#Evolutionary #Studies #Vanderbilt #University #anthropologists #biologists #chemists #ecologists #geneticists #paleontologists #psychologists
#Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) has deleted the website of their #Transgender Clinic after journalist Matt Walsh detailed a #doctor's promotion of transgender #surgeries as a "big money maker" for the institution: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/vanderbilt-pediatric-transgender-clinic-nukes-website-after-matt-walsh-exposes-big-money
#surgeries #doctor #transgender #Vanderbilt
Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! ~ RonPaulLibertyReport
v v v v v v v v v
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
#education #vanderbuiltgenderclinic #vanderbilt #ronpaul #scandal
#scandal #RonPaul #Vanderbilt #vanderbuiltgenderclinic #education
Are you disgusted yet? #MattWalsh exposes #Vanderbilt #transgender clinic
#transgender #Vanderbilt #mattwalsh
Are you disgusted yet? #MattWalsh exposes #Vanderbilt #transgender clinic
#transgender #Vanderbilt #mattwalsh
Are you disgusted yet? #MattWalsh exposes #Vanderbilt #transgender clinic
#transgender #Vanderbilt #mattwalsh
Are you disgusted yet? #MattWalsh exposes #Vanderbilt #transgender clinic
#transgender #Vanderbilt #mattwalsh
#Vanderbilt #Pediatric #Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After #mattwalsh Exposes 'Big Money Maker' Motive
#mattwalsh #transgender #pediatric #Vanderbilt