{#Finanzsystem und #Klimakrise: Fragt endlich nach dem #Geld!
Das #globaleFinanzsystem befeuert die Klimakrise. Das muss sich ändern. Ein #Appell von #Vanessa #Nakate und #Luisa #Neubauer
Ein Gastbeitrag von #VanessaNakate und #LuisaNeubaue } #CRISPR_rEvolution #EinesTageswirdeineLegendegeboren Video Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNpXZRjMSWg #symbolic
#Weedmob #Cannabis #Dune #Interstellar #Jin #Coldplay #antipro
https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/110136529569162320 #fff #onelove
#onelove #fff #AntiPro #Coldplay #Jin #interstellar #dune #cannabis #WeedMob #symbolic #einestageswirdeinelegendegeboren #CRISPR_rEvolution #luisaneubaue #VanessaNakate #neubauer #luisa #Nakate #vanessa #appell #globalefinanzsystem #geld #klimakrise #finanzsystem #FinCEN #SystemProhibition
System Prohibition?
{#Finanzsystem und #Klimakrise: Fragt endlich nach dem #Geld!
Das #globaleFinanzsystem befeuert die Klimakrise. Das muss sich ändern. Ein #Appell von #Vanessa #Nakate und #Luisa #Neubauer
Ein Gastbeitrag von #VanessaNakate und #LuisaNeubauer
Aktualisiert am 5. April 2023, 16:19 Uhr
54 Kommentare } #CRISPR_rEvolution #EinesTageswireineLegendegeboren
#Weedmob #Cannabis #Dune #Interstellar #Jin #Caldplay #antipro
https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/110136529569162320 #fff #onelove
#onelove #fff #AntiPro #caldplay #Jin #interstellar #dune #cannabis #WeedMob #einestageswireinelegendegeboren #CRISPR_rEvolution #luisaneubauer #VanessaNakate #neubauer #luisa #Nakate #vanessa #appell #globalefinanzsystem #geld #klimakrise #finanzsystem
Liebe @LTO #der #Weedmob #ist #einfach #genial! :mastolove: 👍 😍
https://twitter.com/sloetree/status/1632387155120062466 👍 😍
#ActNow #weedmob #cannabis #hilft #hanf #hemp #future #humans #solutions #coldplay 👍 #help #TomorrowIsTooLate
#Klagen #bitte 😃 #lto #blackhistorymonth #climatechange #climatejustice #racialjustice #genderjustice #fridaysforfuture #vanessanakate #blackactivist #feminism #scientistsforfuture #parentsforfuture #Klimastreik #climatechange #climateaction #peoplenotprofit #Jin
#Jin #PeopleNotProfit #climateaction #klimastreik #parentsforfuture #scientistsforfuture #feminism #blackactivist #VanessaNakate #fridaysforfuture #GenderJustice #racialjustice #climatejustice #climatechange #blackhistorymonth #lto #bitte #klagen #TomorrowIsTooLate #help #Coldplay #solutions #humans #future #hemp #hanf #hilft #cannabis #actnow #genial #einfach #ist #WeedMob #der
It is #blackhistorymonth and today we are honoring Vanessa Nakate, a Ugandan climate justice activist from Kampala who has inspired us and many more people across the globe! :vanessa: :earth:
Nakate started her journey as a climate activist in 2018 after becoming aware of the effects of climate change on the livelihoods of many Ugandans. Later, she founded the Youth for Future Africa and the Africa-based Rise Up Movement. In addition, she is the leader of Uganda’s first Fridays for Future climate strikes.
Thought her activism, she raises awareness about the implications and causes of climate change. She is a hardworking and determined activist who aims to bring the voices and experiences of people in the Global South to the global arena.
#blackhistorymonth #climatechange #climatejustice #racialjustice #genderjustice #fridaysforfuture #vanessanakate #blackactivist #feminism #actnow
#blackhistorymonth #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #racialjustice #genderjustice #FridaysForFuture #VanessaNakate #blackactivist #feminism #ActNow
The #Congo Rainforest is the second-largest rainforest on planet earth - and it is under threat. Our campaign, started by #VanessaNakate and #RemyZahiga, now has members from across the globe.
What remains of the Congo Rainforest is rapidly losing its ability to act as a carbon sink.
This is a result of increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns - a product of anthropomorphic climate change.
Please sign and share to #SaveCongoRainforest 🌴🦍🌿🐆
#savecongorainforest #remyzahiga #VanessaNakate #congo
Sign the #CongoRainforest Petition to defund Deforestation of all forests in Africa. We need to protect the forests in Africa.
The #Congo rainforest is the second largest in the world and covers a total area of 1,780,000 km2. 🌴🦍🌿🦜
In Solidarity with #RemyZahiga and #VanessaNakate
#savecongorainforest #VanessaNakate #remyzahiga #congo #Congorainforest
Beautiful and heart breaking message from #VanessaNakate in image (sorry, too long for alt text).
But I'm with her in saying Enough is Enough.
#climate #Africa #GlobalActivism
#VanessaNakate #climate #africa #globalactivism
Vorstellung des #Cease & #Desist Letter von #GretaThunberg, #LuisaNeubauer, #VanessaNakate und #HelenaGualinga heute beim #Weltwirtschaftsforum in #Davos, adressiert an die Verantwortlichen in Konzernen und Politik, mit der Aufforderung, die Erschließung und Förderung neuer fossiler Brennstoffe sofort zu stoppen. Und adressiert an uns alle: weiter zivilen Druck aufbauen.
#davos #weltwirtschaftsforum #helenagualinga #VanessaNakate #luisaneubauer #gretathunberg #desist #cease
🇬🇧 Sign the cease & desist letter to fossil fuel industries. / 🇵🇹 Assine o apelo urgente aos executivos das empresas de energias fósseis / 🇫🇷 Signez l'appel urgent aux PDG des énergies fossiles / 🇪🇦 ¡Firma el llamamiento urgente a presidentes de petroleras!
#ClimateJustice with @gretathunberg ( #Sverige #Sweden ), #VanessaNakate ( #Uganda ) , #HelenaGualinga #HelenaGualinga ( #Ecuador #Equador ) and @luisaneubauer ( #Deutschland #Germany )
🇬🇧 To Fossil Fuel CEOs:
This Cease and Desist Notice is to demand that you immediately stop opening any new oil, gas, or coal extraction sites, and stop blocking the clean energy transition we all so urgently need.
We know that Big Oil:
KNEW for decades that fossil fuels cause catastrophic climate change.
MISLED the public about climate science and risks.
DECEIVED politicians with disinformation sowing doubt and causing delay.
You must end these activities as they are in direct violation of our human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment, your duties of care, as well as the rights of Indigenous people.
If you fail to act immediately, be advised that citizens around the world will consider taking any and all legal action to hold you accountable. And we will keep protesting in the streets in huge numbers.
Sign the cease & desist letter: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/davos_2023_loc/?copy
🇵🇹 Aos executivos de empresas de combustíveis fósseis:
Este Aviso de Cessar e Desistir é para exigir que vocês parem imediatamente de abrir novos campos de extração de petróleo, gás ou carvão, e parem de barrar a transição para a energia limpa que todos nós precisamos urgentemente.
Sabemos que as grandes empresas petrolíferas:
SABIAM há décadas que os combustíveis fósseis causam mudanças climáticas catastróficas.
MANIPULARAM a sociedade sobre a ciência climática e seus riscos.
ENGANARAM políticos com desinformação, disseminando dúvidas e causando atrasos para a transição verde.
Vocês devem pôr fim a essas atividades, uma vez que elas violam diretamente nosso direito humano a um meio ambiente limpo, saudável e sustentável, seus deveres de cuidado e os direitos dos povos indígenas.
Se vocês não agirem imediatamente, saibam que os cidadãos do mundo inteiro estão dispostos a tomar toda e qualquer ação legal para responsabilizá-los. E muitos de nós irão continuar protestando nas ruas.
Assine o apelo: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/po/davos_2023_loc/?copy
🇫🇷 Aux PDG de l'industrie fossile:
Nous vous mettons en demeure d’arrêter immédiatement l’ouverture de nouveaux sites d’extraction de pétrole, de gaz ou de charbon et de cesser de bloquer la transition vers les énergies propres dont nous avons toutes et tous besoin.
Nous savons que vos entreprises:
SAVAIENT depuis des dizaines d’années que les énergies fossiles sont à l’origine de changements climatiques catastrophiques
ONT TROMPÉ le public et les investisseurs sur les évaluations scientifiques des risques climatiques
ONT MENTI aux responsables politiques à l’aide d’informations visant à semer le doute et retarder les solutions.
Vous devez mettre fin à ces activités qui bafouent notre droit fondamental à un environnement propre, sain et durable et qui méprisent les droits des personnes autochtones.
Sans une action immédiate de votre part, les citoyens du monde entier envisageront de lancer des procédures en justice pour que vous répondiez de vos actes. Sachez aussi que nous continuerons à manifester dans les rues par milliers.
Signez l'appel: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/fr/davos_2023_loc/?copy
🇪🇦 A los presidentes de las empresas de combustibles fósiles:
Con este aviso de cese y desistimiento les exigimos que dejen inmediatamente de abrir nuevas zonas de extracción de petróleo, gas o carbón y de entorpecer la transición hacia las energías limpias que el mundo necesita tan urgentemente.
Sabemos que las grandes petroleras:
SABÍAN desde hace décadas que los combustibles fósiles son la causa de este catastrófico cambio climático.
MINTIERON a la sociedad sobre los datos científicos en torno al cambio climático y sus riesgos.
ENGAÑARON a los políticos a base de desinformación, lo que sembró dudas y retrasó la adopción de medidas.
Deben poner fin a estas actividades puesto que con ellas vulneran directamente tanto nuestro derecho humano a un medioambiente limpio, sano y sostenible como los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, y además incumplen su deber de diligencia.
Si no actúan inmediatamente, sepan que habrá personas de todo el mundo dispuestas a emprender las acciones legales necesarias para que ustedes rindan cuentas. Y seguiremos saliendo a la calle de forma masiva.
Firma el llamamiento: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/es/davos_2023_loc/?copy
#endfossilfuels #climatejustice #GretaThunbeg #justicaclimatica #fimcombustiveisfosseis #justiciaclimatica #fincombustiblesfosiles #HelenaGualinga #justiceclimatique #VanessaNakate
#ClimateJustice #sverige #sweden #VanessaNakate #uganda #helenagualinga #ecuador #equador #deutschland #germany #endfossilfuels #gretathunbeg #justicaclimatica #fimcombustiveisfosseis #justiciaclimatica #fincombustiblesfosiles #justiceclimatique
Ein Aufruf an die #Energiekonzerne von #gretathunberg #luisaneubauer #VanessaNakate #helenagualinga
#fff #fridaysforfuture
#fridaysforfuture #fff #helenagualinga #VanessaNakate #luisaneubauer #gretathunberg #Energiekonzerne
The #CongoRainforest is a #ClimateJustice Issue. The forest shrinks by, on average, 40,000 square kilometers every year. Only 11% of the land of the Congo Rainforest is legally protected from #logging. The rights of the indigenous peoples there - the Pygmy - have never been formally recognised.
75 million people rely on the rainforest for their lives, and their voice is barely heard.
In Solidarity with #VanessaNakate and #RemyZahiga
#remyzahiga #VanessaNakate #savecongorainforest #logging #climatejustice #Congorainforest
#SaveCongoRainforest #SaveCongoForest_Flora_Fauna
In Solidarity with #VanessaNakate and #RemyZahiga
#remyzahiga #VanessaNakate #indigenouslivesmatter #africamatters #SaveCongoForest_Flora_Fauna #savecongorainforest
In solidarity with #VanessaNakate and #RemyZahiga
#SaveCongoRainforest #SaveCongoForest_Flora_Fauna 🦍 🌴
#AfricaMatters #IndigenousLivesMatter
#indigenouslivesmatter #africamatters #SaveCongoForest_Flora_Fauna #savecongorainforest #remyzahiga #VanessaNakate
Vanessa Nakate Condemns Fossil Fuel Lobbying at U.N. Climate Talks as Climate Crisis Ravages Africa
Via Democracy Now
#COP27 #ClimateChange #Environment #Watch #Interview #Africa #VanessaNakate
#VanessaNakate #africa #interview #watch #environment #climatechange #cop27 #video
RT @HarperAcademic@twitter.com
A BIGGER PICTURE by Vanessa Nakate “shows us the threat of climate change to people in East Africa and the relentless courage of one activist fighting to be heard.” (Malala Yousafzai)
@MarinerBooks@twitter.com #climatechange #environment #socialactivism #uganda #vanessanakate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HarperAcademic/status/1590025366537752582
#ClimateChange #environment #socialactivism #uganda #VanessaNakate