#International_Tech_News | #Memory_Lane
Listen up DESANTIS
if I had a mother or a father this is what they may have said, You can learn the easy way or the hard way, doesn't really much matter to us. BUT YOU WILL #LEARN!
#Florida_County_Commissioner #Limited COVID-19 #Vaccine_Drive to 2 #Richest #zip_codes, #Created ' #VIP list' including #herself | Florida Gov. #Ron_DeSantis initiated drive; Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh #admitted she 'wanted to make sure #certain_people were on the #list'
MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. -- A Manatee County, Florida, commissioner broke protocol for equitable vaccine distribution, which she had previously voted in favor of, when planning a vaccine drive initiated by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Vanessa Baugh admitted on Thursday that she "wanted to make sure certain people were on the list" for vaccination after emails revealed that she directed county officials to create a list to let her and others jump the line. In response to criticism that county officials had only permitted residents from the two richest zip codes in the county to get vaccinated at the event, Baugh further admitted that she picked the zip codes herself.
In a public county commissioner meeting on Thursday, Baugh apologized for the criticism regarding the "pop-up" vaccination site,
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Memory_Lane #VIP #desantis #ONE_LOVE #ONE_BLOOD #NATIVE #white_supremacy #learn #Florida_County_Commissioner #limited #Vaccine_Drive #richest #zip_codes #created #herself #Ron_DeSantis #Vanessa_Baugh #admitted #certain_people #list
#International_Tech_News | MEMORY LANE
#Ron_DeSantis #Threatens to #Pull #Vaccine from #FLORIDA. county that #accused him of favoring #Wealthy_Whites |
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to #divert coronavirus vaccine #doses from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of an affluent, #mostly_white_community.
#Manatee_County_officials from #both_parties #criticized the #Republican_Governor after the state's #pop_up clinics in the #area were #limited to #two_zip_codes that are two of the #richest and #least_impacted in the #county, according to the #Bradenton_Herald.
Both zip codes are more than 90% #white with median incomes #over $100,000, according to #WTVT.
Manatee County #Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh told the Herald that the clinics were set up in #Lakewood_Ranch and #other_wealthy_areas after DeSantis $spoke with Lakewood Ranch #developer #Rex_Jensen, a #campaign_donor.
"You're taking the #whitest_demographic and #richest_demographic in #Manatee County and putting them #before_everyone_else," County Commissioner Misty Servia, a Republican, said during a meeting this week.
"This is #bad for #all of #us, regardless of what district or population we represent because it makes our #system #look_bad," said #County_Commissioner #Reggie_Bellamy, a Democrat.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Ron_DeSantis #Threatens #pull #vaccine #florida #accused #Wealthy_Whites #divert #doses #mostly_white_community #Manatee_County_officials #Both_Parties #criticized #Republican_Governor #pop_up #area #limited #two_zip_codes #richest #least_impacted #county #BRADENTON_HERALD #white #over #WTVT #Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #other_wealthy_areas #developer #Rex_Jensen #campaign_donor #whitest_demographic #richest_demographic #Manatee #before_everyone_else #Bad #all #us #System #look_bad #County_Commissioner #Reggie_Bellamy