I've pretty pretty remiss with blogging about my #dungeon23 but I am STILL GOING.
Here is the latest post, from week 20 - the little dungeon of calm (for #vaultsofvaarn) https://daisychase.net/blog/2023/09/06/dungeon23-week-20-little-dungeon-of-calm/
Actually finished the Little Dungeon of Calm early, did it yesterday. I did it for #VaultsOfVaarn as the last resting place of an autarch kept alive at the very brink of death.
I picked up a short zine called the Elegant Fantasy Dungeon Generator, so I'm going to try that out for next week. I do have #TomeOfAdventureDesign but tbh the pdf version is pretty hard to use and I don't want to lug the book to the pub where I do my #dungeon23.
#dungeon23 #tomeofadventuredesign #VaultsOfVaarn
So far with #dungeon23 I have refrained from writing any system-related notes whatsoever. I sometimes write with a _setting_ in mind - I've done #starfinder and #vaultsofvaarn for instance - but normally it's generic fantasy or maybe just weird (eg a train carriage).
This is intentional. I no longer want to run systems which need more than 3-4 numbers to describe a thing, and also I have no idea what if anything I might play these with. Statting things would be a waste of space and time.
#VaultsOfVaarn #starfinder #dungeon23
I started doing the map for #dungeon23 week 16 in blue because it's for #VaultsOfVaarn and, well, looks like I might have to buy some blue pigment liners I guess, because this looks nice but the ink takes too long to dry from this Uni-Ball Eye. Not that one can have too many pens.
Loot post: while I was out, my hardback copy of the #VaultsOfVaarn #ttrpg came. It sells out very quickly whenever there's a new print run so as soon as there were some in stock I got one. It's blue because Vaarn is canonically a big desert of blue sand.
The SRD is at https://vaarn.github.io/ but this is a really nice book, with the addition of extra zine content. I always find it easier to grok a game if I can physically read it.
Some experiments in generating #ttrpg monsters using AI for #VaultsOfVaarn