It shouldn't take a relative suffering in the hospital to finally think about #COVID19 and #PostCovidComplications.
I wish my family would #MaskUp in public.
However, the #VaxxedAndRelaxed propaganda has been VERY effective, and getting through to folks that #CovidIsntACold can take time and many conversations.
I'm hopeful that this means my parents and I can have more conversations on this in the future, and I hope my relative recovers soon.
#COVID19 #postcovidcomplications #MaskUp #VaxxedandRelaxed #covidisntacold
I have a relative who is in ICU right now.
She's had #COVID twice (unsure of when her second infection was).
She has always had health issues (immunocompromised etc) - but now she is having seizures, and they can't get them under control.
Yesterday, while on the phone, my Dad pointed out how careful she had been prior to the #LetItRip approach.
It wasn't the #VaxxedAndRelaxed campaign that she stopped being so cautious.
I can't confirm that her covid infections caused this - but I can say she's never had seizures before now - and she's not even 50 years old.
Would she still be here if she had never had COVID?
Is taking of your mask worth risking COVID - which is proven to put everyone at risk of serious complications during the acute phase and after?
Absolutely not.
She doesn't deserve this reality. No one does.
#covid #letitrip #VaxxedandRelaxed
However, things began changing as mask mandates began dropping and the Biden administration began their #vaxxedandrelaxed / #letitrip approach to the pandemic.
My family stopped being as consistent with masking. I visited home in summer of 2021. I took a pcr before I left, masked on the plane, and took a pcr when I arrived.
I walked inside the house with a mask on (I wanted to wait until I got test results) and my mom told me not to worry about it.
I was definitely worried about it. Later in my trip she seemed confused when I put on a mask to go to the store.
It became clear my family and I were diverging on #COVIDsafety.
#VaxxedandRelaxed #letitrip #COVIDSafety