CO BY KDYBY fungovala magie? @Zvedatori @Vedator -
#kvantováFyzika #astrologie #telepatie #telekieze #věda
Např. co kdyby fungovala astrologie, jaké by to mělo (fyzikální) důsledky
#kvantovafyzika #astrologie #telepatie #telekieze #Veda
Because I lose my #balance in the dark I figured that a nightlight would help me get my bearings. Instead of buying one I’m using the three #LEDs of a heavy duty, short power cord. Nifty! #BabyBoomerHouse #VeDA
#Veda #BabyBoomerHouse #leds #balance
Severská mytologie a konspirační teorie (feat. Jan A. Kozák) - Zpátky mimo téma #238 –
#zvědátoři #konspiračníTeorie #mýty #věda
#zvedatori #konspiracniteorie #myty #Veda
Eliezer Yudkowsky: Harry Potter a metody racionality
#harryPotter #yudkowsky #věda #fanFikce #fantasy
#harrypotter #yudkowsky #Veda #fanfikce #fantasy
„Vesmír” není jen NASA či SpaceX – My máme ESA!
#esa #eu #esaBic #věda #vesmír #zvědátoři
#esa #eu #esabic #Veda #vesmir #zvedatori
Doporučuji tato videa:
…jsou sice možná více fyzikalní než široce popularizační, ale třeba, když si je pustíte vicekrát (s wikipedií po ruce)?
#věda #fyzika #kvantováMechanika #kvantováFyzika
#Veda #fyzika #kvantovamechanika #kvantovafyzika
Rediscovering ‘Sunyata’: Unifying Buddhism and Vedanta
Buddha was a great Vedantist (for #Buddhism was really only an offshoot of #Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a “hidden #Buddhist.” Buddha made the analysis, Shankara made the synthesis out of it. #Buddha never bowed down to anything—neither #Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom. He fearlessly reasoned so far as the reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen. #Buddha was the Washington of the religious world; he conquered a throne only to give it to the world, as Washington did to the American people. He sought nothing for himself.
#buddhism #vedanta #buddhist #buddha #Veda