Mas palos para los cohetes europeos.
El día 28, una prueba de la segunda etapa Zefiro 40 del #VegaC terminó antes de lo esperado por una anomalía.
Posiblemente esto retrase su regreso hasta 2024 y abre la puerta a que el satélite Sentinel-1C se lance con un Falcon 9. 🤦♂️
La empresa suiza ha seleccionado el cohete #VegaC para lanzar su primera misión de retirada de basura espacial.
La misión prevista para la segunda mitad del 2026, pretende capturar y desorbitar un objeto de 100kg.
#VegaC Well. "Considerations and suggestions" are fine, but in the end, only sturdy analyses count. Even if at some later stage it turns out that there were additional factors, the operating word is and remains "additional".
The Ukrainian company which made the #VegaC part that failed isn't happy with the official investigation report: -> and - as I had understood it that throat insert had met ESA's specifications but those turned out to be not demanding enough in the end. So who then is to 'blame' for the failure, esp. since verifying the integrity of that C-C stuff from the outside seems to be really tough ...?
An investigation has concluded that "an unexpected thermo-mechanical over-erosion of the carbon-carbon (C-C) throat insert of the nozzle" of the 2nd stage ruined a #VegaC launch last December which "was likely due to a flaw in the homogeneity of the material": more in the ESA press release and in the recording of a press conference this morning (where especially Q&A brought out some more details).
RT @arianespaceceo: Un grand bravo à @grudlerch pour le vote massif du Parlement 🇪🇺 en faveur de la constellation IRIS² portée par @defis_eu et @ThierryBreton !
🚀 #Ariane6, complétée par #VegaC, est parfaitement adaptée pour déployer ce grand projet souverain.
#StrongerTogether #DestinationSpace
#Ariane6 #VegaC #StrongerTogether #DestinationSpace
Recording of the #ESA DG’s annual press briefing 2023 this morning: - looking forward in particular to the #JUICE and #Euclid launches (planned for April 14 and July) and gravely worried about the launcher situation. Investigation report about the #VegaC crisis expected in the 2nd half of February, date of #Ariane6 maiden launch still TBD ... and only two #Ariane5 rockets are left. Europe's own access to space is in peril.
#ariane5 #Ariane6 #VegaC #euclid #juice #esa
NASAk #InSight-en misioa ofizialki amaitutzat ematen du, #Marte-n 4 urteko aurkikuntza zientifikoen ostean.
Atzo jaurtitako #ESA-ren #VegaC suziria, ez zen orbitara iritsi bi satelite galduz. Azken hiru urteetan, Vega-k huts egin duen hirugarren jaurtiketa da zortzi saiakeretatik.
#insight #marte #esa #VegaC #Espazioa
NASAk #InSight-en misioa ofizialki amaitutzat ematen du, #Marte-n 4 urteko aurkikuntza zientifikoen ostean.
Atzo jaurtitako #ESA-ren #VegaC suziria, ez zen orbitara iritsi 2 satelite galduz. Azken 3 urteetan, huts egin duen hirugarren jaurtiketa da 8 saiakeretatik.
#insight #marte #esa #VegaC #Espazioa
Das ist ein Rückschlag für die europäische Raumfahrt. In dem Bereich gibt es große Risiken. Aber wir können es uns nicht leisten, lange zu trauern. Die #VegaC ist sehr wichtig, um den Wettbewerb voranzubringen. Wir müssen alles tun, damit sie schnell wieder fliegen kann. #EUSpace
RT @ESA_de: Etwa 2 Minuten und 27 Sekunden nach dem Start ist eine Anomalie am Zefiro 40 aufgetreten, wodurch die Vega C Mission beendet wurde. Die Untersuchung der Daten ist im Gange, um…
Si vous l'avez raté hier, #Zefiro40 le 2nd étage du lanceur #VegaC d'#Arianespace s'est "perdu" à 100km d'altitude pour son premier tir commercial (avec Airbus comme client).
Résultat, les satellites Pléiades 5 et 6 n'ont pas atteint leur orbite de destination.
W nocy miał miejsce pierwszy komercyjny start rakiety #VegaC Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej. Jednak drugi stopień rakiety uległ awarii i przez to cała misja się nie powiodła 🚀 #kosmos
Malheureusement, le deuxième vol du lanceur européen #VegaC s’est conclu par un échec. La charge utile, composée de deux satellites de la constellation Pléiades Neo, est perdue. #VV22
Lancio fallito dalla Guyana Francese per #VegaC. Era il secondo volo per il lanciatore europeo costruito in gran parte a Colleferro da Avio
Sad to admit ... but with breaking news especially in spaceflight Twitter still completely blows Mastodon - let alone Post - out of the water. What I learned about the #VegaC launch failure tonight and when and how is documented in my live-blog (leaving me wondering whether The Migration will ever go far enough so that M or P are on a par with, let one beat T, as the go-to source for both situational awareness and analysis in near-real time).
Very sorry to watch #ArianSpace's #VegaC #PleiadesNeo mission go down. Me and some of my coworkers at #SpaceX were watching this #launch live. We're always cheering on anyone working on access to space. It's never fun to see anyone lose. #Space is hard.
#arianspace #VegaC #pleiadesneo #spacex #launch #space
Confirmation by the Arianespace CEO: a severe underpressure in the second stage, and the #VegaC mission VV22 is lost. :-(
Segundo lanzamiento del cohete europeo #VegaC. Pondrá en orbita heliosíncrona los satélites #PleiadesNeo 5 y 6.