This was a success today :)
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #vegandesigner #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist
#nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #vegandesigner #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
People donate fabrics to me to use in my fashion design! Most donated fabrics are not suitable/not quality but I always appreciate the gesture and always pick through! This latest haul contained some fine knits to use in retro ringer tees:
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #vegandesigner #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist
#nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #vegandesigner #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
Chainsttiched this for my 21 year old! We are both huge Steve Earle fans. Yes this took hours and hours and hours
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist #steveearle
#SteveEarle #nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
WHOOO today I had a market booth. I don't do them often as it's a lot of work to haul my vintage industrial machines around! I had SO many people stopping by and I stitched a LOT and I got a LOT of love!
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist #chainstitch #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall
#hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch #nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
One of my chainstitched coveralls I'm bringing to the Market on Sunday! I drafted, cut, chainstitched, sewed/assembled, fitted - 100% me! My custom work is not cheap but it lasts so much longer than retail the price-per-wear is comparable. + I'm *living-wage* and (near-)zero waste (fashion is more like 15% waste and 97% of garment workers make less than a living wage)!
Support good shit!
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist
#nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
My latest coverall! Hand-dyed, drafted, cut, sewn and chainatitched by yours truly!
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist #chainstitch #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall
#hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch #nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
I donated this piece to Oasis Youth Center, an LGBTQ+ hub in Tacoma, WA! They are having a brunch this weekend and I hope my vegan, handmade, (near-)zero waste work fetches a good price - and makes the winner very happy!
#chainstitch #HogaboomChainstitch #BespokeHogaboom #vegan #VeganFashion #TinyHorrorHugClub
#tinyhorrorhugclub #VeganFashion #vegan #bespokehogaboom #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch
Darning jeans! I have an old Singer industrial darner and I make visible and invisible repairs! Loved clothes last. <3
Our planet is drowning in clothes; we have enough clothes on the planet to clothe seven more generations. Caring for what you have & ending the constant consumptive cycle, *is* planet justice (discretionary purchases also help us pay workers a living wage).
#mending #MakeDoAndMend #denim #jeans #BespokeHogaboom #vegan #VeganFashion
#VeganFashion #vegan #bespokehogaboom #jeans #denim #makedoandmend #mending
是的,每年 Easter 那些农牧嘉年华上,都有比赛剪羊毛的环节。那些剪过毛的羊,身上都有各种被剪出血口子,看着很凄惨。也不知是参赛的人技术烂 or 为追求比赛速度 or 其实日常都是这样……
PETA已经先后发布过14个羊毛调查结果,当中遍及四大洲6个国家的117 个羊毛农场,调查员在每一处都亲眼目睹绵羊被极端暴力虐待的情况💔🐑😡
#羊毛 #暴力 #残酷 #拒绝羊毛 #纯素时尚 #Sheep #Wool #WoolHurts #WoolIsDead #WearVegan #VeganFashion
#羊毛 #暴力 #残酷 #拒绝羊毛 #纯素时尚 #Sheep #Wool #WoolHurts #WoolIsDead #WearVegan #VeganFashion
Opening a shop is stressful! No time to post photos here, but we've got some promo photos at and and our grand opening is tomorrow! #Vegan #VeganShoes #VeganFashion #Queer #GenderDiverse #Christchurch #NZ
#vegan #veganshoes #VeganFashion #queer #genderdiverse #christchurch #nz
Zum Glück wird die Kritik an der Modeindustrie vor allem, was fehlende #Nachhaltigkeit und die ungerechte Behandlung der Arbeiter*innen angeht, immer lauter. Ein Punkt, der hier jedoch nicht vergessen werden darf, ist die grausame Ausbeutung von Tieren.
Rebecca Cappelli hat gemeinsam mit Keegan Kuhn eine neue Tierrechtsdoku gedreht. In "Slay" geht es um Tierquälerei in der Modeindustrie. Derzeit finden pro Jahr rund 2,5 Milliarden Tiere für unsere Kleidung den Tod.
"Slay" deckt in Spielfilmlänge auf, wie grausam dieses Geschäft ist. Rebecca Cappelli ("Let us be Heroes") und Keegan Kuhn ("Cowspiracy", "What the Health" und "They're Trying to Kill Us) "wollen damit innerhalb der Gesellschaft das Bewusstsein für die in der Modebranche weit verbreiteten grausamen Praktiken schärfen.
#tierrechte #SlowFashion #FastFashion #mode #VeganForLife #VeganFashion #ModeIndustrie #vegan #VeganBlog #blog #GoVegan #RebeccaCappelli #KeeganKuhn
#KeeganKuhn #RebeccaCappelli #govegan #Blog #VeganBlog #Vegan #modeindustrie #VeganFashion #veganforlife #Mode #fastfashion #slowfashion #tierrechte #Nachhaltigkeit