Kat · @TheRealKat
371 followers · 1236 posts · Server mstdn.social
Tato Pece · @Pece
597 followers · 3681 posts · Server aus.social

Take at a look at these empathetic, caring, and compassionate from that love their animals so much and consider their welfare at the forefront of their minds, not the 💲💰💲 in front of their eyes. 🐑🐏


If the sheep are going to get killed by getting shot in the head at a loss, rather than sent to the slaughterhouse (to get killed for a profit), why not just send them to a sanctuary for free and just let them live out their lives? What difference does it make since you won't be making money on them anyway?

I suppose the transport cost to the sanctuary would be a barrier. Among other issues I wouldn't be privy too.

I do know one thing though, and that is that those sheep are sentient. They feel pain, sadness, happiness. And they would have rather not been shot in the head or sent to a slaughterhouse. A shred of empathy, caring, and compassion will tell you that.

#farmers #australia #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #annoyingvegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
597 followers · 3681 posts · Server aus.social

If I had the means, land, resources, etc. to create an , I think I would create a sanctuary. For all the poor, old, unwanted cats out there, to potentially be their forever home, or possibly their temporary home before they get adopted in a true forever home with a loving family. I would need a lot of fencing and wire to ensure no wildlife encounters and escape occurs! 😂

Second on my list would be a and sanctuary (kept separately of course*), where they can have space to live out their lives in peace. I have been thinking about chickens and all other forms of birds lately, in terms of a perspective. A recent estimate** in terms of the number of land animals killed for food (that huge number you always see ranting on about), is now estimated at 92.2 billion for 2023. The majority of those individuals would be birds of one sort of another, primarily chickens. 🐔🐣

Thinking about it some more, I came across this piece by of and the unfortunate views of *** when it comes to his viewpoints regarding chickens:


I say unfortunate, as the "Father of Animal Liberation****", it really saddens me to see his views exposed so clearly and his disdain for chickens shown so plainly. I suppose he is being practical/centrist/unemotive/etc. in his views, and perhaps he is trying to reach more people, by appearing more flexible and open, so that others out there that are not yet would consider the option of becoming vegan and embrace this philosophy for life. But really, not to be that , but he almost sounds like a , being open to eat what he can when travelling, not upsetting hosts when invited over to dinner, and being ok with backyard hens and their eggs.

I guess it is easy to bash on someone that has done so much for the animal rights movement, but I do think that it is important to call out people, no matter how loved or famous, if some of their views dont correspond to the rest of their actions and stated beliefs and philosophies.*****

In the meanwhile, I will continue imagining all the animals I will try and save one day, but really I am more grateful for the many (though not enough) sanctuaries out there that are currently giving animals of all sorts (least of all, chickens) a safe presence, away from the living nightmare that is the reality of the majority of their species existence. 🌱

*Probably easier than trying to desex poultry!
***I have tooted about him before: aus.social/@Pece/1104105578707
****I think this is given to him by others, I have never seen him claim this title.
*****Not that I am famous, but I am happy to be called out by my actions and words if they are not aligned and happy to make corrections accordingly.

#animalsanctuary #cat #chicken #rooster #veganism #vegans #karendavis #unitedpoultryconcerns #petersinger #vegan #annoyingvegan #flexitarian #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

MarkTaylor · @MarkTaylor
270 followers · 272 posts · Server mas.to

“May our daily choices be a reflection of our deepest values, and may we use our voices to speak for those who need us most, those who have no voice, those who have no choice.” - Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

#VeganForTheAnimals #bevegan #govegan #vegan

Last updated 1 year ago

you're never too old to go

#vegan #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
597 followers · 3681 posts · Server aus.social

I read a nice story by describing as a big mansion. I found the metaphor quite nice and it was fun to pick out and figure out who all the people or statues were. I am sure avid will be able to tell who is who. I had to read the explanation at the bottom to figure out who all the people were and get some of the symbolism.


#jordicasamitjana #veganism #vegans #vegan #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
595 followers · 3617 posts · Server aus.social

I recently began signing up to a number of newsletters from various / organisations as I find it is an easy way to get info from all the issues in one spot. Rather than posting every article or news they send me here on Mastodon, I invite you to also subscribe to them, if you have similar interests. Some may be country/geographic specific to my area, so you may want to search up equivalent organisations or political parties in your area. In no particular order:

-Captain Paul Watson Foundation: paulwatsonfoundation.org
-Plant Based Treaty: plantbasedtreaty.org @plantbasedtreaty
-Sentientism: sentientism.info @Sentientism
-Animal Justice Party: animaljusticeparty.org
-Australian Alliance for Animals: allianceforanimals.org.au
-Doctors For Nutrition: doctorsfornutrition.org
-Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: pcrm.org
-The Vegan Society: vegan.society.com
-Vegan FTA: veganfta.com
-Animals Australia: animalsaustralia.org
-Animal Save Movement: thesavemovement.org
-Edgar's Mission: edgarsmission.org.au
-Earthling Ed: earthlinged.org
-Bite Size Vegan: bitesizevegan.org/

If anyone knows of any other organisations or groups that I or others may find interesting, please let me know and I will subscribe to their newsletter. 🙂

#vegan #animalrights #veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #govegan #vegans

Last updated 1 year ago

MarkTaylor · @MarkTaylor
270 followers · 257 posts · Server mas.to

If there’s such a thing as “earth rights,” the right of a creature to experience directly the earth from which it derived and on which its happiness in life chiefly depends, then chickens have been stripped of theirs.

#VeganForTheAnimals #vegan #bevegan #govegan

Last updated 1 year ago

raimoncoding · @raimoncoding
31 followers · 82 posts · Server techhub.social
Tato Pece · @Pece
595 followers · 3617 posts · Server aus.social

An essay by from 2006, talking about the evil that is / / (AKA ) in relation to . It is also a good reminder that is just spin, used to please the consciousness of the masses.

Invasion of the Movement Snatchers - James LaVeck


3 great passages from the essay:

1. "Duchin acknowledged in his speech that idealists were hard to work with, and that because of their inherent altruism and the fact that they gain nothing personally from holding their views, the public tends to believe in them. He then offered the cattlemen a clever strategy. He said that if idealists can somehow be convinced that their opposition to a product or an industry inadvertently caused harm to someone, they could not live with the contradiction and would be forced to change their views, to adopt a more "realistic" position.

Duchin next told the cattlemen about how to work with movement "opportunists," people he described as engaging in activism for "visibility, power, followers, and perhaps, employment... The key to dealing with opportunists is to provide them with at least the perception of a partial victory."

The widespread adoption of "cage-free" eggs? A few seats at the table with the group developing standards for producing "Animal Compassionate" lamb? Uncrated "pink" veal? Today, these and similar developments are being widely characterized as victories by organizations with reputations for staunchly opposing animal exploitation."

2. "Consider the parallelism of these two passages, the first from the New York Times, and the second from the website of a new animal industry marketing campaign in England:

Although the C.I.A. has faced criticism over the use of harsh techniques, one senior intelligence official said detainees had not been mistreated. They were given dental and vision care as well as the Koran, prayer rugs and clocks to schedule prayers, the official said. They were also given reading material, DVD's and access to exercise equipment.

This is not veal from dimly lit crowded pens. These animals enjoy a very full life, with plenty of space and light, inside suitable buildings over winter and outside at pasture for the rest of the year; a varied diet; and the care of a foster cow when available."

3. "Let us not forget, there is a reason why human rights groups do not develop or endorse "humane" methods of torturing and executing political prisoners, and why children's rights advocates do not collaborate with the international pornography industry to develop standards and special labeling for films that make "compassionate" use of runaway teens. To do such things is to introduce moral ambiguity into situations where the boundaries between right and wrong must never be allowed to blur. To be the agent of such blurring is to become complicit oneself in the violence and abuse."

#jameslaveck #marketing #prfirm #publicrelations #propaganda #animalrights #animalwelfare #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 26 posts · Server aus.social

Original toot date: 15 February, 2023

- The Animal Lover.

I have always had an affinity for animals. As a kid, I just loved being with animals, either petting them or just being in their magnificent presence. I always wanted a dog growing up, but my parents could not afford to keep a dog - so when I was 13, my parents took me to El Dorado in Laverton North to get a chicken. I called my chicken Francesca after my Nonno (Francesco).

I loved Francesca so much and would spend all my free time with her. When I come home from school, she would hear the front door open and come running down the backyard to the glass back door, waiting for me to come outside and spend some time with her. We would walk around the yard together, cuddle, and in our own special way; even communicate with one another.

One evening, I was outside with Francesca saying goodnight to her when Mum called me in for dinner. On the table was a roast chicken. I don’t know why it hadn't dawned on me before, but that night, I realised that what I was about to eat was the same animal as my beloved Francesca.

Full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #animallovers #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegan #vegans #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #animallover #doglover #rabbit #horse #pony

Last updated 1 year ago

msocsci · @msocsci
1 followers · 7 posts · Server mas.to

Hi I lost my phone and forgot my login, so I've lost all my follows. So just bit the bullet and made a new profile.
I'm interested in and lots of other things.

#comedy #motorcycle #VeganForTheAnimals #hiking #gym #space #introduction

Last updated 1 year ago

Kate :verigold: · @DolphinSeeker
345 followers · 1161 posts · Server mstdn.social

Aww, yeah, Aldi has got vegan "Cornettos" in stock, and they taste blooming lush! 🍦

#VeganForTheAnimals #Aldi #govegan #Vegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Sounds Vegan · @anne_reko
656 followers · 808 posts · Server mstdn.social

Ich habe die sympathische Gründerin Federica Moreno Casañas kennengelernt. Auf Ihrem Portal bietet sie nachhaltige, vegane und plastikfreie Produkte an. Der soziale Impact ist ihr und ihrem Geschäftspartner besonders wichtig. Darüber habe ich sie natürlich auch direkt befragt.


#Vegan #VeganForTheAnimals #Blog #soundsvegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Kate :verigold: · @DolphinSeeker
344 followers · 1151 posts · Server mstdn.social

Happy veganniversary to me! 🥳 10 years, and I still haven't died from a lack of protein! 🍕🍺

#veganniversary #VeganForTheAnimals #govegan #Vegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Sounds Vegan · @anne_reko
653 followers · 792 posts · Server mstdn.social

In Bill S-5 des kanadischen Umweltschutzgesetzes steht es jetzt schwarz auf weiß: Das Land steigt aus den gefährlichen Toxin-Tests für Chemikalien mit Tieren aus. Den Beschluss für diese historischen Maßnahmen veröffentlichte die kanadische Regierung vor ein paar Tagen. Humane Society Canada berichtete über den bahnbrechenden Erfolg. Alle Infos zum Beschluss gibt es jetzt im Blog.


#crueltyfree #VeganForTheAnimals #soundsvegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
534 followers · 3131 posts · Server aus.social

You spit on me, You kick us, we bother You, because we are on the street, hungry, anxious, waiting for death, which You gifted us, when You kicked us all out, who were once so cute, and now we are beasts, a threat to Your children.

Are You reading this? Do You remember?

I, the stray, and all of us strays, we have become street dogs with Your hands, with Your doing.

You punished me, if only we could turn back time when we were once happy.

You hurt me, You hurt Your children.
I do not judge You, as You have judged me.

You yourself will feel Your condemnation, because You wronged, because You condemned yourself.

And I, and everyone like me, will wait for the kindness from those with a kinder heart, which will be gifted with a long life, for them and for their loved ones.

A message from me, and from all of us strays:

You are not an animal lover if You don't stop those who throw us out on the street.

You hurt me enough, You kill us enough.

Think about it, once You hurt a member of Your family, You will suffer more than me.

From your once lovable dog... To now a dangerous stray.
Skitnik. 🐾

3/4 🧵

#adoptdontshop #veganforthedogs #straydogs #stray #dog #dogs #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
534 followers · 3129 posts · Server aus.social

What did You tell them at home?
What did You say to Your children when they asked where I was?
Why am I not among You?

You lied to them Sir, You hurt them too, as You did me, You hurt Yourself.

I didn't leave You, I was never going to leave, that's why I'm still waiting for You to come back for me.

From a cute, most beloved puppy, You made me a stray.

You made it so when You pass me by on the street, You will notice me wandering around, looking for food in the dumpsters.

Yes, I have met others like me who have been thrown out by the likes of You.

But You don't know these strays, and You don't judge yourself for what You did. You judge us, who were once interesting to You, and then You threw us out.

You made me a stray, and now You condemn me, say that I am dangerous to You, me along with the others, who share the same fate with me.

You fed me when I was little, raised me, then threw me out on the street, and now You want to kill me, poison me.

It hurt me the most, when I saw You so happy, when You took another puppy, and now You are joyous with him, You hug him, You are so caring and kind.

And me? What about me? And the others who are like me?

2/4 🧵

#adoptdontshop #veganforthedogs #straydogs #stray #dog #dogs #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
534 followers · 3128 posts · Server aus.social

A letter from 'Skitnik', a stray. 💌🐕


Why do You punish me Human?

Do You know why I became a homeless dog, or as You call me, a stray?

You made me a stray, and then made people be afraid of me, made children afraid of me.

You, who took me in when I was little.
You who were so happy when You put a bow on me.
You who made Your children so happy with me.
I played with You, I was happy with You, even though I was crying for my mother, who I also knew was grieving for me.

I was Your daily joy, when You looked at me, small, sweet, playful.
As I grew up, just as Your children grew up, I hoped that I would still be a part of our happy family.

But YOU decided to kill me.

You decided to separate me again, from those I loved, from those I trusted.

I grew up, and one day, You lied to Your children, put me in a car, and took me to the unknown.

I believed You, I thought we would walk around and come home again.

And why did You leave me in the unknown? Alone, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know where to go, I was confused, scared.

I waited for a while, hoping You would come back for me.
I didn't move from where You left me.
I trusted You.
I waited for You.
And what did You do?

You came home to those You love the most, just as I loved them the most.

Weren't we happy, joyful? We played together, we slept together.


#adoptdontshop #veganforthedogs #straydogs #stray #dog #dogs #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago